Had this problem in a larger project so made a simple one to test.
Two scenes each with one single button which when pressed loads the other screen. Press buttons 25 times and the app on the iTouch quits back to home. Happens every time.
Only code I have in place is:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class button2 : MonoBehaviour {
public Texture2D buttonMenu;
public GUIStyle buttonStyle;
void OnGUI()
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (353,30,103,35), buttonMenu,buttonStyle))
Any ideas why this could be happening or has anyone else experienced similar ?
@bliprob - yes sent last Thursday evening. Case number 47840. No reply as yet.
there is no crash log. iTouch/iPhone quits back to home and if run in debug mode (Xcode) then Xcode just gets an interrupt and the iPhone freezes until debugging is ended.
hoping to get a reply soon as this is stopping us releasing our first game.