I have a folder, called “Walls” in the Ressorce-folder, which contains multiple textures, calling “wallRoi[1-26]”. Now I would like to apply those to my model in Unity via C# scripting.
Explaning my code: The model has multiple segmentation of the whole wall, each of them has a tag (“Wall[1-26]”). The tag of the whole wall is “Wall”. Now I’m trying to loop through the whole wall and apply to each segmenation of the wall a different texture from the folder. My Code doesn’t work, any purposes? Thank you!
private UnityEngine.Object[] walltextures;
void mapTexturesOverWalls() {
walltextures = Resources.LoadAll ("Walls", typeof(Texture2D));
Texture2D[] wallTex = (Texture2D)walltextures [walltextures.Length];
GameObject walls = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Wall");
Renderer[] renders = walls.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer> ();
for (int i = 0; i < wallTex.Length; i++) {
foreach (Renderer r in renders) {
r.material.mainTexture = wallTex[i];
UnityEngine.Debug.Log (wallTex + "");