Applying collider Only half of the GameObject!!!?


Is it possible to give the collider for half of the object?

If it is possible how it do?

Thanks in Advance.

In the collider component, there is a variable called size. Just adjust it according to your needs.

use onCollsion enter method()

how should control through the script?

Assuming that you mean adjusting the size of the collider through a script such that it only takes up half the size of an object, I would suggest you have a empty gameobject with that collider and adjust the transform through the script. There is no way (not that I know of) to change the size of the collider through a script.

OnCollsion enter uses the same script using for trigger

I really don’t think OnCollisionEnter has anything to do with resizing colliders…

can u be claar the shape of object detail…!