Applying FBX animation to prefab


I’ve imported animated FBX models to Unity. The animation works perfectly fine in the preview window in the bottom-right corner of the screen when the model is selected, however I have no idea to apply this animation to a prefab so it plays in the game.

I’ve tried adding animation components, selecting ‘Take 001’, the animation, and selecting ‘Play automatically’ and looping it, but I can’t get anything to happen in the game view of the model.

Could someone break down this process of applying the Take to the model’s prefab?


First try to just add the FBX Obj to your Scene and add the animation Component if it isnt already there. Same “Play automatically” etc. and start your scene. If that does not work, you should select the FBX Model and look at the Rig Tab inside the inspector if the animation type is set to legacy. Of not, do it :wink:

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Thanks a lot for the reply, it was some screwing around with the ‘legacy’ option that solved it for me. You were a big help!

Great it worked for you. That legacy thing is a weird bug I guess, as you can also only find it inside the import rig tab or via debug inspector instead of normal. Best luck and success for you and your game! :slight_smile:

Switching to legacy also worked for me. Thank you!