AppsFlyer attribution links not working with Unity Ads

I have successfully integrated the AppsFlyer SDK in my app, and have verified this by testing both through xcode (before deployment) and the app store (after update was released with appsflyer sdk). I have an Unity Ads campaign that is fully setup and ready to go, however my attribution link tests do not work. I have Unity Ads as an activated partner and use the link provided by AppsFlyer, but the install postbacks are not working, so AppsFlyer isnt seeing any clicks/installs from Unity Ads.

Here is the link I am using:{source_app_id}&c=FT_Initial_Subtitles&af_cost_model=cpi&af_cost_currency=USD&af_cost_value={cpi}&af_c_id=6418bba1a9d828a5a249ae88&af_ad={creative_pack}&af_ad_id={creative_pack_id}&af_adset={creative_pack}&af_channel={exchange}&af_click_lookback=7d&idfa={ifa}&gamer_id={gamer_id}&game_id={game_id}&redirect=false&af_ua={user_agent}&af_os={os}&af_model={device_model}&af_lang={language}&af_ip={ip}&af_ad_orientation={video_orientation}
I had also tried using this link without the campaign id and name set and it still did not work.


Have you set to post back the parameter “gamer_id” on the AppsFlyer side?

Is this what you are referring to?

This is probably what you mean.

100000001251810--1219893--Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 10.29.31 AM.png

Still having no luck with this


“gamer id” is different from “game id”.
“gamer id” is used for identifying a user. You can refer to this document: Tracking install events with a server-to-server integration

Thank you I got this resolved.

Hey, can you please tell me how you resolved this? I’m running into the same issue

This was a while ago so Im trying to remember, It wasn’t one of my parameters, I think it was the Appsflyer event, at the bottom, you have to have one setup for opening the app.

Hi, I am running a campaign on Unity for my game, and I implemented AppsFlyer to track installs. I tested everything, and it seems to be working fine, but when I test the attribution link, I’m not receiving any install postbacks.