APV Lighting not showing in Build

I’m using Subtractive Lighting Mode so I can bake the shadow data into the APV volume, not just the GI.
However when baking, my APV lighting shows up perfectly fine in editor but doesn’t show up in a build.
I’m not sure if I’m just doing it wrong or if there is a bug?

The left image is it showing up correctly in editor and the right is what it looks like in a build.

Here is the steps I’ve done to reproduce it in a new project using Unity 6000.0.32f1

  • In the RPAsset (im using the default PC_RPAsset) change the Light Probe System to Adaptive Probe Volumes
  • Set any shadow casting geometry to Static and change Receive Global Illumination from Lightmaps to Light Probes
  • Select the Directional Light and change its Mode from Realtime to Mixed.
  • Create Adaptive Probe Volume and fit it to the scene.
  • Create a new Lighting Setting asset
  • Change Lighting Mode from Shadowmask to Subtractive
  • Adjust Min Probe Spacing based on your geometry’s size
  • Then click Generate Lighting.
  • Save and create a Windows build with all the build data left to its defaults

Am I just missing a simple step somewhere?