I am only just beginning to use Unity and have been following some online tutorials. I have created my AR Session Origin and AR Session and exported my Unity Scene as a Xcode project. When I launch this project, I am greeted with the “Mady with Unity” screen and then stuck on the Skybox instead of my camera. I haven’t been asked to allow Camera Permissions (which I assume is why my camera is not connected), and cannot enable it manually in my iPhone Settings. Any idea on why this may be happening? and how I can fix it?
I am using Unity 2020.1.0f1 Personal and Xcode 11.6 using my iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 13.6.
Hello! I am experiencing the same issue as hamishryan6 was. However, the AR kit plugin is checked, I am building using verified releases of the ARkit, ARFoundation, and XRPlugin Management packages, and as far as I can tell all of my player settings are correct. Is there something I am missing in Xcode? Any advice would be appreciated. I have tried different versions of unity, reinstalling the plugins, and starting a new project from scratch. I have been trying to solve this problem for three days with no success, and frankly I have no clue what I am doing wrong. At this point I am desperate for novel advice, or a more experienced perspective. (Unity personal 2020.2.1, Xcode 12.3, iPhone 11 Pro max, IOS 14.3)
Have you tried to run the samples repo? To identify why your project is not working, you can find what’s different in your project compared to the samples.
Are there any updates on this? I have AR Foundation, AR Subsystems, ARKit, XR Interaction Preview.7, XR Legacy Helpers and XR Plugin Management imported into my project. All builds fine in Unity, all builds fine in Xcode. The app runs but there seems to be no camera interaction and it does not ask for camera access on first run.
Same issue here. Running on 2020.3.0f1 and with both verified packages of ARFoundation and latest ones.
EDIT: Rebuilt project from scratch and it all works fine now. I might have missed something before… So just make sure you are adding correct components and everything is properly set in project settings
To whom it may concern: I was in the same boat, black screen, phone device did not ask for cam permission… was using 2021.1 – then downgraded project to 2020.3 (LTS), de-installed and then re-installed all packages (URP, AR) = now it works like a charm.