AR Application getting the Devices Camera image

I am implementing an App for Android that uses the AR Functions.

I want to request the image of the Android Device Camera that is viewed on the screen. Is this a WebCamDevice or do i have to call the ARCameraBackground to get the texture?

Is there someone that knows how to do it and maybe has some example code?

See our docs: Accessing the device camera image on the CPU | AR Foundation | 4.2.10

Is there a way to manipulate that image and display it back to the device screen in real time ?

Yes. We have a sample scene you can use as a reference: GitHub - Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples: Example content for Unity projects based on AR Foundation

I tried the sample from the docs you mentioned above and thought i would be able to implement it that way.
From debugging i realised that the line 69 never get’s executed
do you know where it could have gone wrong?

Line 69 is the first line of the method. It seems that whatever is supposed to call this method is not calling it?

Got it. The script was on the wrong object in the sceen. How can i display the manipulated image back to the device screen?

You need to write the image into a texture and display that texture in your scene. See the sample scene for a reference implementation.


what in your opinion would be the best way to achieve something like a perfect white teeth filter?

We don’t offer this sort of use case consultation on the forums but the community is welcome to offer ideas

I implemented the code example you showed above
Seems to work
But how do i have to set up the RawImage in the Unity Sceene?