Hello! I amusing LWRP along with AR Foundation, but have not figured out a way to make them both work properly. I tried searching for the LWRPSupport folder, but cannot find it. My guess is that it has been deprecated and integrated somewhere else.
So when I run my app, I can see my model, but the background is black. I guess I need to plug something into the “Custom Renderer Asset (AR Background Renderer Asset)”. It doesnt seem to want to take a normal class in there. So I am not sure what I am supposed to put there.
Any links to this mysterious “asset” would be appreciated.
Unity 2019.2.2f1
Plugins I use:
AR Foundation 2.1.3
AR Subsystems 2.1.0
ARCore XR Plugin 2.1.1
LWRP 6.9.1
XR Legacy Input Helpers 2.0.6
I read somewhere that downgrading the Unity version and using a very specific LWRP version might get it to work. I am just wondering if we are supposed to downgrade and read up on specific versions based on our purpose before we choose to use the latest?