I am trying to run my AR app using the universal render pipeline but I am having issues setting it up.
My unity version is 2019.3.4.
My URP verision is 7.1.8. I have tried other versions but still not getting the option.
After I create a forward renderer and click the plus button to add a renderer feature i dont get an option of
AR background renderer feature. The only option I get is of Renderer Objects.
You won’t get that option until you install ARFoundation. I just faced this same issue and I noticed I had not installed ARFoundation package. So just go to Window > Package Manager > Install ARFoundation and then you will be able to see the ARBackgroundRendererFeature.
For those like me who at this stage must still work with Unity 2019.4 “LONG TERM SUPPORT”, I am sharing the [172330-manifestjson.zip|172330] that makes things work for me. I am using URP, XR Interaction Toolkit, ARFoundation and ARKit so this is for iOS. I haven’t tested with ARCore but changing the entries for ARKit to ARCore might be enough.