AR Core Extension doesn't work in IOS

I was testing an app using the Google Geospatial API.
On Android, it worked perfectly. But when I turn on the “IOS Support Enabled” in Project Settings → ARCore Extensions, and play it, I am getting the following error “EntryPointNotFoundException”

full error message:

EntryPointNotFoundException: ArSession_create
Google.XR.ARCoreExtensions.Internal.IOSSupportManager.CreateARCoreSession () (at Library/PackageCache/
Google.XR.ARCoreExtensions.Internal.IOSSupportManager.get_Instance () (at Library/PackageCache/
Google.XR.ARCoreExtensions.ARCoreExtensions.OnEnable () (at Library/PackageCache/
Google.XR.ARCoreExtensions.Samples.Geospatial.GeospatialController:SwitchToARView(Boolean) (at Assets/Samples/ARCore Extensions/1.33.0/Geospatial Sample/Scripts/GeospatialController.cs:654)
Google.XR.ARCoreExtensions.Samples.Geospatial.GeospatialController:OnEnable() (at Assets/Samples/ARCore Extensions/1.33.0/Geospatial Sample/Scripts/GeospatialController.cs:323)

The project is Google’s Geospatial API Sample.

development device: Mac pro
target device: iPad Pro 12.9"
development environment: Unity version 2020.3.32f1 & Jetbrains Rider

8388396--1106520--스크린샷 2022-08-25 오전 10.42.14.png

Did you try to add ARCore library to your xcode project?

No, is there anything else I need to do besides installing the package?
Do you mean AR Core SDK??

I believe you will need ARCore SDK for iOS while building with ARCore APIs for iOS platform: GitHub - google-ar/arcore-ios-sdk: ARCore SDK for iOS

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I solved it! I didn’t know how to install the AR Core SDK so I fixed something related to Cocoapods and it worked!
To be precise, the “EntryPointNotFoundException” in the Unity Editor is still there, but it builds fine.
I apologize for my poor English and thank everyone who helped.

Could you elaborate how exactly you solve this problem?
I tried to install ARCore ios SDK following this video

using Swift Package Manager but have no luck (the app crashes after opening a scene with Geospatial feature/ARCore Extensions).

How do I install ARCore ios SDK with cocoapods?