AR Foundation 3.0.1 Missing Light Estimation mainLightDirection variable


In AR Foundation 3.0.1 I noticed that the light estimation sample is broken beause ARLightEstimationData.cs no longer contains a definition for mainLightDirection.

This however is fine in preview 3.1.0.

Anyone know why this was removed? Was it redundant?


3.0.1 does not have the implementation for mainLightDirection because it was implemented first in 3.1.0 for a later version. See the following changelog

It is however available in 3.0.0 preview.1 also? Nevertheless I had a look around the source code and seems like it isn’t being set.

Like you said is it being set up for future versioning and therefore rotating the directional light to achieve real-time shadows isn’t quite supported in the samples?

Many thanks for the prompt reply! :slight_smile: