AR Foundation - Smoothly tracking a moving image.

I’m in the middle of developing an AR app that starts from tracking a label on a product box.
It works reasonably well as long as you do not move the box. However, I would like to have image tracking be much more continuous than it currently is.

My desired image tracking effect would look something like this:

Is this possible with AR Foundation’s implementation of image tracking?

So far it seems when an image is tracked, AR Foundation watches for changes but at a pretty low frequency (or at least that is the appearance). If I move my own image in the real world, it takes the image tracking a number of seconds to re-track the image and update the AR position of the trackable accordingly.

I’ve seen this style of continuous image tracking done before. This video above is using ARKit 2.0 so i have to imagine this is possible, but is this possible with the AR Foundation framework? Do I need to investigate switching to the native plugins? (I would rather not if I don’t have to as a lot of work as already been done)?

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I’m experiencing the same on an iPhone 6s. I wonder if it’s got to do with processor / GPU speed?

Using ARFoundation 3.0 on iOS, doesn’t come even close to that.
There must be some trick to make it work.

works fine on iPhoneX, iOS11

Anyone with a solution to this? i’m following whatever examples I can and can’t seem to get the results to be as smooth as shown in the video.

Look at here: [Helpe] How to load ReferenceImageLibrary from assetbundle or addressable - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

This ended up being the solution!

So simple, I completely overlooked it.

Is it possible to make non continuous image tracking


If you just want to Instantiate a prefab when you detect a image and do nothing after that, yes you can.
But you need to write your own script. :wink:
