AR Survival Shooter ☄️ FPS with Augmented Reality ☄️AR Shooter — Unity AR

AR Survival Shooter is the first-person shooter in Augmented Reality: kill the zombies and save your life with full immersion in the game!

AR Engine

The game uses 2 AR Engines with auto selection:

  • AR Foundation (ARCore, ARKit) with real Plane Detection (includes tutorial, visual plane confirmation/resetting, placing the game around the player) & AR Safe Zone (the player needed to stay in the Safe Zone to avoid accidents during the game and meet enemies with honor; the game will be paused when leaving the Safe Zone).
  • AR Camera Lite will be used when AR Foundation is not supported by the mobile device. It’s also used when Testing in Unity Editor: the game in Editor is always run with this Engine.

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This is great and I’m really looking forward to buy it, how does it manage to detect the ground where the “zombies” walk? It’s amazing!

Would it work in a indoor environment?

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For positioning of game objects in the world, I use my asset called AR Camera GYRO. It operates with gyroscope without ground detection to cover a wider range of mobile devices than ARKit & ARCore. Scene adapted for AR, so you can easily use any AR engine manually.

Yeah, man.

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:comet: 2.0: New Architecture: Object Pools

EnemyManagersXRControl initializes each zombie type (EnemyManagerXR with Object Pool) now (more performance). There are 3 object pools in total: ZomBunny, ZomBear, Hellephant.

  • Unity 2018.1 version;
  • Object Pool with separate Enemy Manager for each Zombie prefab;
  • Caching of all Components & Animation Parameters for Enemy Prefabs;
  • Start Tutorial in Game Scene.


  • Merge EnemyMovementXR.cs with EnemyHealthXR.cs;
  • InvokeRepeating () => Coroutine in EnemyManagerXR.cs;
  • Set “navMeshAgent.enabled = false;” once after Death;
  • Enemies are disappearing right after death now.

:comet: 2.2 version with Unity 2018.3



  • Unity 2018.3 version;

  • New Chapters in Documentation:

  • How to set up your own Enemy prefab;

  • How to change Death Animation.


  • Fix StartCanvas, so you can seamlessly add buttons to HUDCanvas if you want.

:comet: New 2.3 version with Unity 2019

Download on Unity Asset Store.

  • Unity 2019.2.9;
  • AR Camera GYRO 3.2;
  • Unified UI Layout to match different resolutions (iPhone XS Max => iPhone 6);
  • TextMesh Pro 2.0.1 is provided with Unity Package Manager now.

Hello please a need somone help me, how to shoot fps and damage enemy !!! Help please

My Support is Here:

Thank you sir

I have anather problem, how con create room. With arcore sceene !!!

This thread is only about AR Survival Shooter that uses AR Camera GYRO.
If you need support for it, please read my previous answer above.

Check new AR Shooter 3.0 with AR Foundation (ARKit, ARCore).

I’ve just released it here.

AR Shooter 3.0 is included in new AR Bundle 2.1.

Update: AR Shooter 3.1:

  • AI Navigation 1.0.0 in Package Manager (replacement for “NavMeshComponents” folder);
  • Unity 2021.1.12.

AR Safety: AR Safe Zone feature is included in AR Shooter with AR Foundation version

The player needs to stay in the Safe Zone to avoid accidents during the game and continue the game itself! The player will be notified when leaving the Safe Zone. AR Safety First.

AR Shooter 3.3 — Update


  • AR Onboarding UX with Transparent Video Manuals & AR States;
  • AR Light Estimation: estimates light data in physical space and applies it to game space.


  • Unity 2021.1.28;
  • Plane Detection Tutorial: Loading Animation, Clearer Guidance;
  • Modern Standards of Project Settings (based on New Unity Project);
  • Blocking Player Shooting until Game Start;
  • AR Shadow 3.0;
  • AR Camera Lite 4.2;
  • Native Camera 1.3.1;
  • AI Navigation 1.0.0-exp.4 package in UPM.


  • iOS: “Error Code=102 “Required sensor failed.”

New Review :star: by Bernd Schernthaner for AR Unity Asset

“Great Asset for me as beginner in Unity to learn and understand the program and codes.
I`m in development of an game based on that template which will be released hopefully soon as possbile :)”

Thank you so much, Bernd!

If you find a bug, or you can’t use the asset as you need,
please contact me first before leaving a review to the asset store.


I am here to help and to improve my assets for the best.

You know about one template to use en unity 6 for beginners, Im trying to do a AR game but all tutorials and templates free it’s not working because have thinks old and not supported, I really need something to my project school and don’t find them :frowning:

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Unity 2022.3 is still preferable to use with AR Foundation for production. It’s stable and it works.

I saw various bug reports on Discussions related to Unity 6, AR Foundation and different types of tracking. Unity 6 is pretty raw for this task.

All my AR templates are intended for Unity 2022.3 for now.