Hello. I create android applications in which the object can be viewed by walking around it (AR) and I have a problem because I would like to use VR goggles (CardBoard type), but when I mark in the options that the application should be of this type, the object does not stand still in one place but it “sticks” to the lens and moves with the phone. without VR everything works as it should. Is it possible to go into VR mode with my application and phone (without professional and expensive goggles),where object is stationary in space,and I can walk around it in the room with gogles (of course the background is from the phone camera) where something I miss? please help.
Hi PrzemyslawBara,
Hope you’re well.
I don’t think the android VR (Google carboard like) provide access to other movement than head rotation,
and I don’t think MRTK support this kind of technology.
You can create an AR Foundation application instead but you’re not gonna have your phone at eyes level.
Quentin LG
I aktualy use AR Foundation, problem is just to convert normaly view to that VR view.
So, did you already set the scene with ARFoundation?
I think you can make a classic AR Foundation scene (AR Session and AR Session Origin at least) then if you already use a camera for the VR, copy the position and rotation of the AR Foundation camera to the one you need.