Arabic on Web GL


So, I am developing a game that will be translated to arabic, and I got it work nicely on the editor, the font I am using suports the characters and so on… but, for some reason, when I make a web gl build, the texts in arabic don’t show up at all. Is there a reason and fix for that?


You need to setup the font to be included in your build. See Unity - Manual: WebGL graphics

There is also a dedicated WebGL forum. Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

Thanks! Not sure if I should keep on this post or create another in the webgl forum, but…

I have a font set-up in the project, it is a dynamic font with arabic characters in it (they display correctly in the editor). The link you sent me says that “include font data” is ignored for Web GL and it is always included, but this option was marked anyway, but still, the font does not appear when I make a build.

What the link you sent me doesnt say is if the fonts need to be in a specific folder… but I would guess not, since it is not mentioned anywhere. Btw, latin characters in this font are displayed in the web gl build, so I believe the font is being included but for some reason in a web gl build its not able to render the arabic characters. In the editor what I see is:

And in a webgl build:

Then please make a bug report with a repro project and ping me the case number here. Thanks!

Hey Schubkraft, just uploaded a bug report, case number 802143. Thanks a lot!

Same Problem. Arabic text shows on Unity Editor, but it does not work on WebGL.
Font : Arial (default)
Unity v. 2018.4.22f1

Any solution?

1 Like

Same problem also here!
We have a project running well with asian languages (Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, Simplified Chinese, Korean and Japanese) both in the Editor and in Android, but WebGL does not display any character for those languages.

Unity v. 2018.4.22f1

I have the same problem here for my webGL build, I’m using unity 2019.2.21f1

Same problem Unity 2020.3.f41 - and even with Unity Localization… No Arabic text on web build!

Same Problem Unity 2019.4.26 …

Android and Editor working but webgl doesnt work