Arabic support in TextUI

when are you going to support Arabic letters in TextUI?
I have project with 100+ TEXTUI and I wanted to add Arabic translation to it, until I found out letters appear wrongly. converting everything to Textmesh is going to be painful. I’m dealing with UI and textmesh are not ui.

I found this tool, as it seems it doesn’t exist anymore on AssetStore. Is it possible to get integrated in the standard TEXTUI?

First and best solution is using Textmesh pro. Now it has TextMeshProGUI component which is the best choice for Arabic and Persian and RTL languages for UI and you can use it in canvas. having mesh in this component name Don’t let mislead you. It can be used in canvas and UI and is even better than default Text ui text component of unity. It has no any margin problem or multi line problem.

If you want a very quick solution you can use this package as simple as

yourText.faConvert ();

for multi-line support you should set line spacing to -1.

Next solution is using the package you refer to or a better version can be found here. the only problem with this packages is some margin problems. but you should change all the text component with RTLText component so when TextMeshPro is available there is no any reason to use it anymore.

The last solution is to use this localization asset which has some auto fix for RTL languages. For multi line support you can set line spacing to -1 or it has a simple solution to break line on a constant length.