Arcade Rotorcraft Controller (ARC) is a simple controller asset allowing you to quickly and easily create any type of rotorcraft – for example: a drone or helicopter. The customizable arcade-y feel to the drones gives a fun, satisfying, player experience to your game.
Included is a Rotorcraft Prefab Builder editor window, which allows you to setup a new rotorcraft in seconds! Just link the required objects and fill in the details, press a button and you’ve got your new vehicle!
The values for a rotorcraft (speed, turning, drifting, etc.) are saved in a ScriptableObject, meaning you can re-use the same values for hundreds of different vehicles, and only have to tweak them in 1 place.
Also included, are examples of how to interact with the vehicle controller for player input, a simple audio component to play engine sounds (SFX not included) and a component to control a thrust effect when near the ground.
Does it have drone abilities such as hovering in an area, patrolling an area, targeting enemies to fire at them etc.? How does navigation and collision avoidance work?
I assume you mean 2022, not 2021. When reading 2021 I thought this hadn’t been updated in a long time, which may throw some potential customers off.
Question: How are the speeds calculated? I’m looking for something where I can input the exact speeds (in m/s or degrees/s) I want the vehicle to move. Is that possible with your asset?
It still says 2021 on the asset store page, though.
Thanks, that’s what I thought. I have made my own simple controller using rigidbody velocity instead of physics, but I would have preferred using physics if there was an easy way to do it.