Arcade Car Assistant V1.7

Here is Arcade Car Assistant V1.7!
Here is a list of what has been changed.

Added a Collapsible Debug Section.

Added a Line of code so that the NewSteeringAngle is clamped.

Made the ACA Settings Section Collapsible.

The SteeringReturnSpeed can now only be set from 0.001 to 1 because if the value is set beyond 2 then it causes a noticeable delay in the steering response.

ACA Can Now control the WheelColliders Steering.
Cleaned up the script a bit.

if you don’t know what the Arcade Car Assistant does then please click this link to find out.

2516646–174351–ArcadeCarAssistant.cs (10.9 KB)

on v1.8 I’m going to work on making the drifting smoother and be able to emit particle smoke from the wheels.
I’m currently 50% done I just need to work on the Wheel Smoke script.