ArcGIS Maps SDK & Oculus Quest 2

Hello. I’m trying to make an application for Quest 2, but I can’t connect Arc GIS Camera Component with Oculus Integration. I can’t see the map on my headset. The screenshot shows the object hierarchy that I tried.
Any advice would be helpful.

Hello Fink1.
Have you found a solution? I also have that problem. In the game view of Unity i get the map but on the OQ2 i only see the sky.

Or is the link cable required? Or Visual Desktop? Now i build and with Sidequest place the APK on the Quest.

Best regards

Wondering if anyone made progress? Im having same issue. Runs fine tethered on the HMD when run in Unity preview- the apk builds successfully- but then runs on the Oculus Quest 2 without loading/displaying any maps.
@fink1 @whloeffen

The XR Rig (OVRCamera Rig) needs to be a child under the ArcGISMap. Then get rid of the normal camera in the XR Rig and put the ArcGIS Camera in its spot- under the XR Rig (should be under the Camera Offset I would guess). So ArcGIS Camera replaces the camera inside/under the rig, and the rig goes inside/under the ArcGISMap. That worked for me.

I tried this. It is working in the Windows Machine where Unity is running. But moment I build and deploy to Oculus still getting just the sky. Template is URP. Have moved the XR Origin under the Map and the camera under the Camera Offset in XR Origin. Added ‘Tracked Pose Driver(Input System)’ to the camera along with the ArcGIS scripts that were there. Any luck anyone?