How do I place a site into Unity. I mean I have a few city blocks that I have modeled in another app, I can bring that into Max. I than want to create a first person camera just to walk around the site in Unity. I can bring it into Unity but how do I use this as a terrian, or a plane? It should be pretty simple to use another floor object maybe pavement/roads, grass, curbs, sidewalks, buildings, and place these into Unity as a site. Most of the tutorials that I see already have a scene for you to use. I want to learn how to create my own scene from a imported .fbx file from Max.
Start reading here:
Unity Basics
It will get you started, and should answer all of your initial questions.
Yeah, just export from max in .fbx into your Unity Assets folder, then drag and drop it into your scene. The materials will be imported, too, if you keep that box checked in your export settings.
For terrain, drag and drop the “New Terrain” into your scene and then start sculpting and painting it with the tools in the Inspector window.
Easy as pie, and fun too!
for piloting your camera around the scene, do a search for “Camera Controls” or look at an FPS tutorial and you should be able to find a script that you can drag and drop and start using right away. You’ll use your mouse to turn around and the arrow keys or wasd keys to go forward, etc.
Ok I am flying now with Unity. Been working on it 2 days, and so far I can navigate FPC through my building. I can apply materials pretty easily. Lights are easy to place. Export as a player is easy to do.
How do I attach a video as a material? I inserted my video. I created a flat box on the wall. Now what? how do I attach the video as a materail to the box?
Also how do I open up doors? Is there a .pdf tutorial or a sample project that I can look at? I have read some other post about this, but it seems too tricky to do. Step by step anybody for a noobie?
You can add the video by firstly creating a new material (see this manual page for details) and then dragging the movie file into one of its texture slots. In the object’s renderer panel (in the inspector), you should find a Materials property. Add your new material there and you should see your video run when you start the game.