Architecture student seeks to make video game-style building presentation. Does Unity sync with design software?

What is the learning curve for Unity? I have a background in Adobe and Rhinoceros software, with some training in Autodesk. How may I train myself to best use Unity? Also, will it sync with the softwares mentioned?

Reeves, this question gets asked often.

The critical thing to understand is:

Unity is not a modelling program

To make models, you use the usual famous Autodesk products.

Unity is a game engine. Game engines take models as input and then make a game.

You must make models as part of your job/studies right? What do you use to make models?

I think it is extremely likely that if you want to do say a flyover or something of your models … you would just do that in Autodesk products.

If you do want to learn how to use Unity, “How may I train myself to best use Unity”

search on here for literally 1000s of questions “beginner tutorials” etc. Go to

If you’re not already a good general programmer, really it’s going to be a struggle. Unity is not a toy, it is slightly easier to program than (say) programming natively for iOS, but game programming is extremely complex and deeply experienced leading engineers use Unity to play the games we all play every day (Sounds like an advert!)

Glance at the easiest questions from new chums on the current page …

if those look to you like aliens talking … is it worth the hassle? Conversely if you’re already a good general programmer, Unity is free, dive in. In answer to your question “how to learn” there are SO MANY video tutorials etc that there are vast numbersof COLLECTIONS, LISTS etc of video tutorials etc!! Google or search here