Just following the instructions from the google developers website to get ARCore running in Unity leads to this console error:
Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/InstantPreview/Scripts/InstantPreviewManager.cs(32,23): error CS0234: The type or namespace name SpatialTracking' does not exist in the namespace UnityEngine’. Are you missing an assembly reference?
And furthermore I have: Assets/GoogleARCore/Examples/CloudAnchor/Scripts/ARKitHelper.cs(50,71): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `Pose’ could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
I couldn’t find anything online relating to this error, and would appreciate any help.
I just ran into this issue during package maintenance:
As Chaosemer points out, the solution is clearly stated on the ARCore website. (Which ideally should be split by Unity version given that each version has its required tweaks)
Download the ARCore SDK for Unity and import it into your project by clicking the menu Assets > Import package > Custom Package. (Unity 2019 only: To fix the compilation errors, use Window > Package Manager to install the Multiplayer HLAPI and XR Legacy Input Helpers packages.)
Download the ARCore SDK for Unity and import it into your project by clicking the menu Assets > Import package > Custom Package. (Unity 2019 only: To fix the compilation errors, use Window > Package Manager to install the Multiplayer HLAPI and XR Legacy Input Helpers packages.)
Thanks buddy you saved me a lot of time!
Crazy behavior noted: When I moved my project from 2019.1.14f1 on MAC to 2019.1.14f1 on Windows, it gave me this error. But when I built the project on Windows using 2018.3.7f1, it worked absolutely fine. No idea how and why.