ARCore + Vuforia Or Alternative

Hi Guys,

Pretty simple. Trying to get some marker based technology in ARCore. So I have a marker in the world (can either be a image or geometry, whichever is easier), which is reconised and a GameObject is then Instantiated at that point. From there it can interact with the 3D world as per standard ARCore. Is there a way to do this?




As I’m getting some likes, I’m doing a shameless bump. It looks like I’m not the only one interested in this feature.

I’m also looking into this, and found only expensive plug-ins so far, able to do 2D image recognition:

  • OpenCV
  • Vuforia
  • Wikitude
    3D recognition is even much higher priced!
    The workflow is not straigthforward: you have to upload your images/3d models in their database as to be recognized…
    Definately interested in alternatives ;°)

I’m looking for something like that too.

+1 perhaps?

I’m also interested in this, Augmented Images of ARCore 1.2 are not such good at recognition of non-flat images or images from some distance. You could try