Hi All,
I am experimenting with the newly released ARCore 1.0 for Unity with the 2018.1.08 beta. However, I have a console error I can not seem to fix. As a result, unable to build the sample scene.
— Error Message —
Assets/GoogleARCore/SDK/Scripts/Editor/BuildHelper.cs(34,18): error CS0535: GoogleARCoreInternal.BuildHelper' does not implement interface member
— Attempted Solutions —
None of the following fixed the issue;
Confirmed following quickstart guide correctly: ARCore support for Unity developers | Google for Developers
Confirmed Phone was eligible: S7
Found similar issue and possible fix: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48955525/unity-3d-arcore-1-0-googlearcoreinternal-buildhelper-does-not-implement-interfa
Attempted to build, unable to compile due to existing error (Above)
Thank you in advance to anyone who is able to point me in the right direction