Are 3D Body tracking and world anchors incompatible?

I am testing an ARFoundation project on ARKit, using an iPad Pro 2020.
Unity version : 2020.3.20f1
AR packages version : 4.1.7

In one of my Unity scene, I have the AR Human Body Manager script on my AR session origin and the Human Body tracking object from the 3D human body tracking template (GitHub - Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples: Example content for Unity projects based on AR Foundation) and it works fine when I build and run this scene on my iPad.

However, in my main scene, I want to use world maps and image tracking in addition to 3D Body tracking. Therefore, I have on my AR Session Origin : the AR Tracked image manager, the AR Anchor Manager and the AR Plane Manager in addition to the AR Human Body Manager. I also have an ARMeshManager set as child of my AR Session Origin. And last but not least, the Human Body Tracker object.
When I build my main scene, although I do not get any error, body tracking just won’t work : people in front of the camera are never recognized and I never get the “Adding a new skeleton” debug log.

Are 3D Body tracking and world maps incompatible? Do you have any lead on why this won’t work?

Yes, not all features can work together. The ARKit has a list of pre-defined session configurations and AR Foundation tries to pick one that matches the higher number of requested features. Please build your app with the Development Build enabled and see the console output in the Xcode to know what session configuration is currently used and what features are satisfied/not satisfied.

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