Are Addressables Unity Version specific?

I am using addressables heavily but had one incident where I loaded an addressable created in 2019.3 in 2020.1. I don’t have the error anymore as it happened some time ago but before I investigate, maybe there is an official answer already: can I consume addressables created in older Unity versions also in newer ones? What about addressables created with older addressables versions? Is there a requirement for a match of some versions somewhere? (Hopefully not).

Asset bundles should be forward compatible, but not backwards compatible. 2020.1 is not fully released yet, so I’m not sure if forward compatibility applies to it. In any case, keeping your bundles at the same engine version as your build definitely won’t hurt.

Thanks for the quick answer. Maybe a bit background to my question: I am providing an SDK to my players to create custom levels. Therefore they will create these in some recommended version of Unity but over time Unity will evolve and I want to ensure that the levels they had uploaded some time ago still work when I upgrade the main app. It would therefore be good to have some hard facts here so that I am not betting on the wrong horse.