As a developer that makes less than $100,000 a year and pre-ordered Unity 5 a long time ago I feel like what was offered today was an insult when compared to what has been given to hobbyists with no intention of ever giving you a penny. If you’re giving out Unity 5 without any engine limitations for free, is it too much to ask to give Pro users Android and iOS without splash screens?
You weren’t given enough free stuff, you gotta complain about the stuff you’re not getting for free?
No, if I knew this was going to happen I wouldnt have paid at all until I earned over $100,000.
So get a refund?
You can easily ask for a refund and get the personal edition. Now you get it all for free too.
I intend to unless they offer me something more for my money.
Awesome, everyone is happy.
Well I guess you did not read any of the stuff that has been posted on the site past 2-3 hours? there is version comparison, refund faq etc
For those <100k / year who recently purchased or subscribed, you might be able to get your money back (if you desire - as it’s still good value ie cloud etc)
See the sales page for comparison. There’s a lot there. You don’t have any grounds to moan IMHO, particularly as this is a you can have your cake and eat it with refunds sort of thing.
Yes, I agree…they came so close to everything I was hoping, but IOS/Android still as add-ons is now a deal breaker for me to upgrade, no plans to upgrade my Unity 4 Pro/IOS Pro. (Glad I didn’t pre-order 5 now)
This is clearly misguided. You still get all the pro features for ios and android also without paying a dime. Same situation as Personal Edition desktop.
See FAQ and sales page.
“Same situation as personal edition desktop”
So what exactly do developers working on their own get? Quicker bug reports and a cool skin?
iOS and Android are still listed as paid add-ons… Can’t find a page that says what I get for buying Pro for iOS…
Just the ability to remove the “amateur” screen?
As the FAQ implies it simply removes the splash screen. You can use Unity Pro for desktop mixed with Unity Personal Edition for iOS/Android if you make less than $100k per year.
wow… I paid whatever I paid for that…? Hmmm well, it was a consideration, but not the ONLY consideration at the time…
Thats the thing, at least before you felt like you actually got something for your money.
If you pre-ordered Unity 5 iOS/Android add-ons and now feel like you don’t need them there is a refund period until May 1st, 2015.
I’ll wait until you realise it was a mistake and either drop those prices or offer something else.
I think Unity level 11 is a pretty good incentive for pro users. I am thinking of canceling my android and iOS sub since I can get level 11 with just my regular pc sub.
Maybe, as a single developer, it makes more sense for you to get the personal edition. And you know what? Thats ok! Unity is fine with that!
I don’t understand why you are complaining. At all. Unity took nothing from you - they simply offered their engine features to everyone else. If the current features of Pro don’t excite you as much, get a refund and go with personal.