Hello everyone
I’m doing my first attempt at creating a game and a few weeks back, I’ve read that when you wanted to delay something, coroutine was a good way to go.
But recently, I’ve been felling like it’s maybe not that good.
So I did some research and indeed, it seems like coroutines are a debatable subject.
If I use coroutines exclusively for the “yield return new WaitForSeconds()”, is that a good idea? If not, is there any other “simple” way to delay something that easily?
Thanks for any answer
Using MonoBehaviour.Invoke() instead of StartCaroutine() have possibility to invoke any method in class with delayed seconds:
public GameObject object;
public float TimeDelay = 1;
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other) {
Invoke("MyFuncionFoo", TimeDelay ); //This will invoke your function after 1 second ...
void MyFuncionFoo() {
object.SetActive (true);
API documentation here
I would say yes. They are to use, but they can be a bit tricky to call. Here is an example how to use one. Let’s say we want an object to appear 3 secs. after we enter a trigger. Coroutines with WaitForSeconds are always IEnumerator
public GameObject object;
public float Timedelay = 3f;
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other) {
StartCoroutine (delay()); //There needs to an open/close parenthesis before the closing one.
object.SetActive (true);
IEnumerator delay () {
yield return new WaitForSeconds (Timedelay);