Hello, new forum!
Are generic SystemBase supported? I’m attempting to create a netcode system in ECS and to avoid writing the same code over and over for commands and snapshots (not using Netcode for Entities) I want to use generic systems. I have gotten generic ISystems working but using the same assembly attribute doesn’t appear to work for SystemBase. The below code doesn’t work for me:
using MyNamespace;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Burst.Intrinsics;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs;
using UnityEngine;
[assembly: RegisterGenericSystemType(typeof(MyGenericSystem<MyComponent>))]
[assembly: RegisterGenericJobType(typeof(MyGenericJob<MyComponent>))]
namespace MyNamespace
public interface IMyInterface
public int GetId();
public struct MyComponent : IComponentData, IMyInterface
public int Id;
public int GetId() => Id;
public partial class MyGenericSystem<T> : SystemBase
where T : unmanaged, IComponentData, IMyInterface
private EntityQuery _genericQuery;
[ReadOnly] private ComponentTypeHandle<T> _typeHandle;
protected override void OnCreate()
using var builder = new EntityQueryBuilder(Allocator.Temp);
_genericQuery = builder.WithAll<T>().Build(EntityManager);
_typeHandle = GetComponentTypeHandle<T>(true);
EntityManager.AddComponentData(EntityManager.CreateEntity(), new MyComponent { Id = 1 });
EntityManager.AddComponentData(EntityManager.CreateEntity(), new MyComponent { Id = 2 });
EntityManager.AddComponentData(EntityManager.CreateEntity(), new MyComponent { Id = 3 });
protected override void OnUpdate()
Dependency = new MyGenericJob<T>
TypeHandle = _typeHandle
}.ScheduleParallel(_genericQuery, Dependency);
public struct MyGenericJob<T> : IJobChunk
where T : unmanaged, IComponentData, IMyInterface
[ReadOnly] public ComponentTypeHandle<T> TypeHandle;
public void Execute(in ArchetypeChunk chunk, int unfilteredChunkIndex, bool useEnabledMask, in v128 chunkEnabledMask)
foreach (var component in chunk.GetNativeArray(ref TypeHandle))
Debug.Log($"Looping: {component.GetId()}");
I get this error:
Unity.Entities.CodeGen.EntitiesILPostProcessors: (0,0): error error DC3002: MyNamespace.MyGenericSystem`1: [RegisterGenericJobType] requires an instance of a generic value type
Does anyone have an idea why this error was thrown? My guess is that source generation is generating a generic job that doesn’t have the concrete implementation registered but I’m not sure. Appreciate the help