Are lightmaps currently supported in Polyspatial

Hi PolySpatial team.

Our application makes heavy use of baked lighting. We don’t need any real-time lighting. When reading the documentation I saw that baked lighting was available via shadergraph: Unity PolySpatial Lighting Support | PolySpatial visionOS | 0.4.3

However in this documentation baked lighting is said to be not supported: Supported Unity Features & Components | PolySpatial visionOS | 0.4.3

Here is a super basic very crude shadergraph I made:

When viewing the scene in Unity we can see the chair has received baked lighting from the red and blue light sources beside it

Is there a setting I need to change somewhere to get this to match the lightmap format recommended in the documentation (dLDR)

However once we open it up in the simulator the object appears black:

Thanks Logan

We also noticed lightmaps not working in 0.4.3. It seems like UV1 isn’t working (at least in simulator) and the textures reference UV0 instead.

Yes; this was due to a change from visionOS 3 to visionOS 4, and our next release will have a fix for it.

In Project Settings → Player → visionOS tab (might be blank) → Other Settings → Rendering → Lightmap Encoding, set it to Low Quality (which is the default).

Yes, we will update the documentation to reflect the support from the PolySpatial Lighting Node.

Also, note that in the editor, the light maps used by the PolySpatial Lighting Node will not appear correctly unless you’re in Play mode (that is, unless PolySpatial is active).

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I have upgraded my project to PolySpatial 0.5.0 and still having the same issue. I am using the simulator with all the recommended packages. I was wondering if baked lighting was now supported

I saw in the release notes there were fixes to do with UV1’s " * Fixed an issue accessing UV1 in shader graphs."

It should be supported, yes, and the issue with UV1 should be fixed. If you find that it isn’t, it would be helpful to submit a bug report with a repro case and let me know the incident number (IN-#####).

One limitation with light maps that you may have noticed is that you will need to bake the light maps with standard materials (e.g., Universal Render Pipeline/Lit) and then switch to the shader graph materials with the PolySpatial Lighting Node. The baking process won’t work with the shader graph material, though I can see from your screenshots that you managed to bake the light maps successfully.

Thanks for the fast reply. When I made the shader graph more basic than the screenshot above I got it to work. I will slowly add back functionality step by step

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Hey Logan,

What changes did you make to your shader graph to get it working? We are having the same problem here and can’t seem to get it working!

Also, do you get this random flickering in-editor?

Try disabling mip generation in your texture import settings. I believe if you are using URP it is trying to use your eye position to enable foveated rendering and swapping between mips randomly.