I’m trying to set mobile notifications for Android and IOS, and was thrilled to see there was this Unified API as part of the Unity package: Unified APIs for Android and iOS | Mobile Notifications | 2.3.2
Has anyone used it? Couldn’t find discussions on the topic.
It turns out it works ok, but it’s missing some basic features like setting icons for Android.
So I guess instead I’ll have to use the platform specific APIs and build my own wrapper. Unless there’s some simpler way of extending the functionality of this Unified API, maybe?
It doesn’t have icons because iOS does not have icons.
I’m interested in usage patter though. Would you use the same icon for all you notifications or few different ones? That is, I would consider adding icon support to the configuration. I don’t think the Notification should have icon support, given that is Android-only thing, it would be rather odd “unification” otherwise.
Yes, my plan is to use the same icons in all Android notifications (similar to how it works in IOS), so it could be part of the initial configuration, like the channel.
iOS shows app icon, as does Android (for small icon) when you don’t specify it.
Anyway, I’ll consider adding configuration options, at least for small icon.
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But the app icon doesn’t work well as small icon, as it needs to be transparent, which it isn’t necessarily the case.
It would be great if it could be added. Thanks!