are MovieTexture (from the web) downloaded in the client or streamed from the server?

like the title!

depends on what you do.
if they are external then its up to you if you want to wait for their end of download before playing, if they are part of the player they are downloaded

they are not part of the player. They are sent via FTP to my web space.

I noticed that if I Play in Editor, Movies are immediatly loaded and they play! (always download from the web space via WWW)

Instead in Web Player I must wait some (10-15) second before movie starting

thats normal, webplayer won’t cache in any form, so you wait on each start again

do cache allows to play the video before it is fully downloaded? (like the red bar in youtube)

Is there some way to streaming video without waiting its downloading?

you can check if the movie is ready to play already BUT you will not have much control beyond this so if its important that it does not stutter of stop midway, wait for it to finish or include it in the player so its downloaded along the game

ok! Thanks! Bye bye