Are Navmesh Links compatible with Navmesh Obstacles?

Unity 2017

If I have a gameobject, say a DOOR, that is a Navmesh Obstacle, and I add a Navmesh Link going through it - will it not work because the nmObstacle blocks the navMeshAgent even with a nmLink?

Do NavMesh Links require Navmesh Baking? No way around it?

My game is procedural, so all my objects are Navmesh Obstacles due to the fact rebuilding the navmesh when an object spawns would kill performance. I’d still like to make use of Navmesh Links, but whenever I added one (also tried off-mesh links) and setup according to the documents (connecting Start & End position/transform to/from the navmesh. However since the NavMesh Obstacle is blocking the doorway path, I assume this may be why my Navmesh Link wasn’t working? Or do I have to bake?

If so, could I possibly have a NavMeshSurface pre-baked on the door, with a link, and have that work with another NavMeshSurface without baking the scene? I assume that wouldn’t work, according to my understanding. I’m just looking for ways to avoid baking due to the lag on performance.

Have you tried using the navmeshbuilder api to build at runtime? You generally need the navmesh before trying to use it. Trying to do something without first creating it is not possible, so either bake before or at runtime so the mesh is generated before trying to use navmesh based components such as links.

I had the navmesh built already.

It is fine though, I trashed Unity’s navmesh in favor of the infinitely superior A* PP asset. Got things setup in 10 minutes. Unity navmesh took me 20 hrs to setup & was a PITA with problems.
& awful performance. A*PP took minutes, has amazing docs, and has incredible performance. 0-1ms calculations is fantastic.

Sadly, I hear this all too much. Unity has gotten to the point where it has many features but their all very incomplete or unstable/unusable

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Yea, and it has gotten quite ridiculous. Almost like Unity is tricking people by advertising their features, only for them to find out it was a mistake to think it was a good idea to use them rather than just bypassing them through the asset store or a custom solution. I fell for this not once with UNET, but twice with Navigation.

I won’t make that same mistake a third time. Next time I have an option to use a high quality, well recommended asset store asset? I will use it. Unity Native is synonymous with the definition: “some mangled together time waster”.