are the edges and possibly the corners of objects editable in unity

one of these days i saw a pluggin for unity that allowed you to create levels, I saw you could change the corners of objects in the sceene view. i wanted to know if he had scripted different objects, diferent than the standard ones, to have these feature, or is he using a mechanic that is allready in unity.

It’s not built-in in unity but could be relatively easy to implement depending on what you know about 3D programming.

Unity do expose mesh information via the Mesh class, so you can modify that using code. I could see a editor class that add Gizmos and Handles to allow easy modification via the editor, but that is something that could take a while depending on the level of complexity you want to have.

If you visit the Asset Store, there is some packages that actually do that to different degree. The best I could find and it’s only 10$:

Good luck!