I am trying to make a game for Android devices and other portables that incorporates the use of PBR. I was following this video tutorial.
In Player Settings where the teacher told to change the colour space to “Linear” is where I start to have problems.
Unity gave a message which says verbatim: “On Android, linear colorspace requires OpenGL ES 3.0 or Vulkan, uncheck ‘Automatic Graphics API’ to remove OpenGL ES 2 API and 'Minimum API Level must be at least Android 4.3”. To which I did, but upon doing so when I tried to build and run on my Android devices it then gave an error message saying these devices are not compatible with the selected OpenGL version.
The devices I use to build my game on are Samsung Galaxy S3 phone and Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 which I believe use OpenGL ES 2 or less.
With that said are there other alternatives in setting up PBR environments in Unity with the current devices I have? Do I have to stick back with the traditional old school texturing method?