Are there any apps in the Windows store I can use as a Share Target for sharing?

One of the titles I’m working on has the requirement to share a made video on YouTube/Facebook etc.
Unfortunately neither has official apps yet for the store, so there are a bunch of dodgy clones which I’m hesitant to install.

Can anyone recommend any ShareTarget apps I can install that will allow me to test sharing of a video or pictures to a social network?



you can take a look at this which will simulate a share target contract for you… i’ve used it for testing my apps share contract, should help you out…

(basically compile (can do in debug), you can then close it… start your app and use it as a target to test your contract abilities)

oh, also to just test this helper out… after it has been installed (via build, et al.) you can do a quick check on what it looks liek by launching the metro IE → swipe to charms → select share → select “share target c# sample”

and you’ll be good to go without having to actually use another apps contract for testing.

Thanks, I also found some sample share source and share target apps provided in the Windows Store Apps Examples…