Are there any easy way of adding collision to ground mesh?


Pretty new at this, and don’t really know what the best way to go about this is.

The issue is, I’ve created a level in blender, which is a pretty low-poly mesh island.

What would be the best way to create colliders in Unity for such a mesh?
Manually adding box colliders and so on, would take quite a lot of time? If that is the way to go, any tips for doing this quickly? I don’t really mind putting in the work, but I would prefer being smart about it :slight_smile:


Mesh Collider?

Hi, yeah, should’ve written in the OP.
As I understand it, a non-convex mesh collider doesn’t work with rigid bodies?

My other elements are currently using rigid bodies.

Using a convex mesh collider will make a weird collider because of the height difference in the mesh I guess.