Are there any tutorials out there to make a MOBA in Unity?

Hi there. I am a huge fan of MOBA games. When I discovered Unity, I though “great! a way to make one!” However, when I looked for tutorials on how to make MOBAs, there where none. Could I maybe get some tutorials on how to develop one?

Unity3D is exactly the tool used to build things like “MOBA” games.

Just to warn you, this would be a staggering amount of work. Teams of 100 people work for 1-3 years to make MOBA titles (or any large video game).

Note that a lot of the work (most?) is simply “modelmaking”. This has nothing to do with Unity. it is done in software like Maya - the models are then used in Unity or other game engines to make games.

There are a huge number of video tutorials on Unity, everywhere. SEARCH here for many lists of tutorials.
