Are there any UNITY 3d open source Stealth games?

Hey all

I am beginning my masters [sound and music for interactive games] major project .

I wish to combine Unity 3d with PD to generate synthesised bird song.

The aim of the project will be to create a system of birdsong that gives feedback to the user about their “stealth” state. Enemies nearby/Hidden/Detected etc.

Are there any stealth games that are open source for Unity 3d? iv had a look on google but cant find anything that fits this description. If anyone knows of a stealth game for unity please let me know! :smile:
Alternatively are their any FPS games that could be adapted into a stealth game?

The game does not have to be particularly long or complex just something for me to hook into PD for this project.

Thanks for any replies in advance.
Happy Coding :smile:

Why don’t you program it yourself ;).

Because I have only done minor programming in Unity before, I only have 3 months and i have alot of audio programming stuff to do, also i wont get marked on any game programming i do… I would love to make one but i don’t have the time/skills right now. Thats why im looking for an open source game that i could mod quickly.

dunno, if you’re willing to pay, get someone to do it for you, or use the asset store and prefab sites to build it quickly.