This question might be entirely unique to my situation, but maybe might help somebody else down the line in the future.
I have a very unique problem, where I am making a heavily 3D physics-based game, but the most common objects for gameplay purposes is difficult to replicate with Primitive Colliders. (It is a flat coin-esque shape). So here-in lies the problems and questions.
I need to use primitives, or else the game performance will suffer (as it heavily relies on many of these objects interacting constantly as a basic gameplay loop)
No built-in primitive is a good fit at all, even if I combine dozens.
I understand why there cannot be a Cylinder Primitive due to how physics calculations are made, so that cannot be done.
Is there some sort of solution to this problem? My initial thoughts are either optimize every single other aspect to mitigate the use of Cylinder-shaped Mesh Colliders, or I can find/buy some sort of tool that will let me make a sort of oblong Ovoid that mimics the general idea of a flat coin, but is still mostly a primitive sphere for the purposed of calculations.
Any suggestions? Anything I’m missing?