what is up with this kind of precision in the editor that can not be changed to simply zero (0)?
Pos Y : -3.051758e-05
I really do not need that kind of precision… and it can’t be changed to just simply zero.
what is up with this kind of precision in the editor that can not be changed to simply zero (0)?
Pos Y : -3.051758e-05
I really do not need that kind of precision… and it can’t be changed to just simply zero.
I don’t understand that, either. It probabl is a rounding error and so close to the round value that it doesn’t matter but it bugs me as well. A lot. I like orund values.
this is the goofy things that get irritating
if you have a value say Pos Y: -3.051758e-05 and try to set it to 0, it reverts to the scientific notation… however, if you change it to 0.01, then you can enter zero.
if you have a value say Top: -3.051758e-05, and a Bottom value of say -53.00001 (or whatever is auto generates), you can’t change Bottom until you’ve performed the above step of setting Top to 0.01, then setting it to zero… THEN you can set Bottom to -53.
What is seriously irritating, is after having set these properties on an object and saving the scene or project… making a copy of the object might actually revert to scientific notation values… OMG. >.<