Are WWW objects covered by Network.InitializeSecurity?

Hi all,

I’m working on a project in which a client connects to an administrator (both are Unity scenes). That administrator then turns around and phones home to a database with login information, etc. Both the administrator and any clients that connect to it need to be authenticated and will be remote to the database (hence separating the db from the admin).
I presume using Network.InitializeSecurity() only shields the traffic from client to admin (not WWW objects), so my question is this: what is the best way to make sure the information sent to the server is not sent in the clear? One approach I came up with is to have the admin make WWW requests to a php script local to the admin build that makes a secure connection to the remote server.

Any suggestions on whether this is a viable approach or what could be done to improve it?

WWW goes through HTTP, they don’t care about any security as the webserver does not offer such a thing.
You naturally can make your PHP / ASP.NET end encrypt it, then download the data and decrypt the encrypted datastream. thats no problem.

Network Security only applies to the realtime security.