Area lights turns off depending on camera angle (HDRP)

I’m using the last version of Unity with HDR Pipeline and encounter a strange issue. Depending on the angle and proximity of my camera to an area lights, these will switch off for no reason (screens below).

On the below example, both of the area lights are set to “Mixed”.

I tried with a spot light and did not encounter this issue.

What could cause the problem? I remember that I had this issue before on normal Unity version, and solved it by setting the light as “important” - unfortunately this option does not seem to be present in HDRP.


Same problem, do you resolve?

Hello I just discovered why this is. Area lights don’t use a bounding box to cull instead use a sphere based on the Range parameter. When you are not facing the centre of the light and are out of it’s effective radius it is automatically culled.

As answer to the question and to @mrcapitan22 (if this is still useful) HDRP only allows for a couple of lights to hit the same object. All other lights that should shine on the object simply don’t. The list of lights that are allowed to hit the object change when you change your camera view. Could it be that you have too many lights hitting the same object? If so, this amount can be altered (although the limit was something like 8 I think), or you’d have to limit the amount of lights or split your object into separate pieces.