**Problem: ** I am trying to access the Raycast() method inside of the ARSessionOrigin class, but it appears that ARSessionOrigin.Raycast() is no longer a method in the new version of ARFoundation V 2.1.0.
Does anyone know if this is intentional and it got moved somewhere else or is it a bug?
**Description: ** To give some context, I am developing an AR application and decided to try ARFoundation rather than directly using the ARKit plugin that you can grab off of bitbucket. The first problem I encountered was that the Unity Remote does not work for this version of unity, so it required be to build out the application every time just to test. I was then inclined to upgrade my unity version 2018.3.0f2 to 2019.1.2 to speed up the development process. After converting, I learned that I needed to upgrade my ARFoundation and ARKit XR plugins from version 1.0.0 to version 2.1.0.
If anyone has any recommendation or can point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it!
I have attached both ARSessionOrigin scripts from version 1.0.0 and version 2.0.0. You can see that version 2.0.0 is missing a Raycast() method.
Version 1.0.0
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.SpatialTracking;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.XR;
namespace UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation
/// <summary>
/// An <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> is the parent for an AR setup. It contains a <c>Camera</c> and
/// any <c>GameObject</c>s created from detected features, such as planes or point clouds.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Session space vs Unity space
/// Since an AR device will be used to drive the <c>Camera</c>'s position and rotation,
/// you cannot directly place the <c>Camera</c> at an arbitrary position in the Unity scene.
/// Instead, you should position the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>. This will make the <c>Camera</c>
/// (and any detected features) relative to that as a result.
/// It is important to keep the <c>Camera</c> and detected features in the same space relative to
/// each other (otherwise, detected features like planes won't appear in the correct place relative
/// to the <c>Camera</c>). We call the space relative to the AR device's starting position
/// "session space" or "device space". For example, when the AR session begins, the device may
/// report its position as (0, 0, 0). Detected features, such as planes, will be reported relative
/// to this starting position. The purpose of the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> is to convert the session space
/// to Unity world space.
/// To facilitate this, the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> creates a new <c>GameObject</c> called "Trackables"
/// as a sibling of its <c>Camera</c>. This should be the parent <c>GameObject</c> for all
/// detected features.
/// At runtime, a typical scene graph might look like this:
/// - AR Session Origin
/// - Camera
/// - Trackables
/// - Detected plane 1
/// - Detected plane 2
/// - Point cloud
/// - etc...
/// You can access the "trackables" <c>GameObject</c> with <see cref="trackablesParent"/>.
/// Note that the <c>localPosition</c> and <c>localRotation</c> of detected trackables
/// remain in real-world meters relative to the AR device's starting position and rotation.
/// Scale
/// If you want to scale the content rendered by the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> you should apply
/// the scale to the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s transform. This is preferrable to scaling
/// the content directly as that can have undesirable side-effects. Physics and NavMeshes,
/// for example, do not perform well when scaled very small.
/// </remarks>
public class ARSessionOrigin : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("The Camera to associate with the AR device.")]
Camera m_Camera;
/// <summary>
/// The <c>Camera</c> to associate with the AR device. It must be a child of this <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The <c>Camera</c> should update its position and rotation according to the AR device.
/// This is typically accomplished by adding a <c>TrackedPoseDriver</c> component to the
/// <c>Camera</c>.
/// </remarks>
public new Camera camera
public Camera camera
get { return m_Camera; }
set { m_Camera = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The parent <c>Transform</c> for all "trackables", e.g., planes and feature points.
/// </summary>
public Transform trackablesParent { get; private set; }
GameObject m_ContentOffsetGameObject;
Transform contentOffsetTransform
if (m_ContentOffsetGameObject == null)
// Insert a GameObject directly below the rig
m_ContentOffsetGameObject = new GameObject("Content Placement Offset");
m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
// Re-parent any children of the ARSessionOrigin
for (var i = 0; i < transform.childCount; ++i)
var child = transform.GetChild(i);
if (child != m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform)
child.SetParent(m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform, true);
--i; // Decrement because childCount is also one less.
return m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform;
/// <summary>
/// Makes <paramref name="content"/> appear to be placed at <paramref name="position"/> with orientation <paramref name="rotation"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">The <c>Transform</c> of the content you wish to affect.</param>
/// <param name="position">The position you wish the content to appear at. This could be
/// a position on a detected plane, for example.</param>
/// <param name="rotation">The rotation the content should appear to be in, relative
/// to the <c>Camera</c>.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This method does not actually change the <c>Transform</c> of content; instead,
/// it updates the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s <c>Transform</c> such that it appears the content
/// is now at the given position and rotation. This is useful for placing AR
/// content onto surfaces when the content itself cannot be moved at runtime.
/// For example, if your content includes terrain or a nav mesh, then it cannot
/// be moved or rotated dynamically.
/// </remarks>
public void MakeContentAppearAt(Transform content, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
MakeContentAppearAt(content, position);
MakeContentAppearAt(content, rotation);
/// <summary>
/// Makes <paramref name="content"/> appear to be placed at <paramref name="position"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">The <c>Transform</c> of the content you wish to affect.</param>
/// <param name="position">The position you wish the content to appear at. This could be
/// a position on a detected plane, for example.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This method does not actually change the <c>Transform</c> of content; instead,
/// it updates the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s <c>Transform</c> such that it appears the content
/// is now at the given position.
/// </remarks>
public void MakeContentAppearAt(Transform content, Vector3 position)
if (content == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("content");
// Adjust the "point of interest" transform to account
// for the actual position we want the content to appear at.
contentOffsetTransform.position += transform.position - position;
// The ARSessionOrigin's position needs to match the content's pivot. This is so
// the entire ARSessionOrigin rotates around the content (so the impression is that
// the content is rotating, not the rig).
transform.position = content.position;
/// <summary>
/// Makes <paramref name="content"/> appear to have orientation <paramref name="rotation"/> relative to the <c>Camera</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">The <c>Transform</c> of the content you wish to affect.</param>
/// <param name="rotation">The rotation the content should appear to be in, relative
/// to the <c>Camera</c>.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This method does not actually change the <c>Transform</c> of content; instead,
/// it updates the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s <c>Transform</c> such that it appears the content
/// is in the requested orientation.
/// </remarks>
public void MakeContentAppearAt(Transform content, Quaternion rotation)
if (content == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("content");
// Since we aren't rotating the content, we need to perform the inverse
// operation on the ARSessionOrigin. For example, if we want the
// content to appear to be rotated 90 degrees on the Y axis, we should
// rotate our rig -90 degrees on the Y axis.
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * content.rotation;
/// <summary>
/// Cast a ray from a point in screen space against trackables, i.e., detected features such as planes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="screenPoint">The point, in device screen pixels, from which to cast.</param>
/// <param name="hitResults">Contents are replaced with the raycast results, if successful.</param>
/// <param name="trackableTypeMask">(Optional) The types of trackables to cast against.</param>
/// <returns>True if the raycast hit a trackable in the <paramref name="trackableTypeMask"/></returns>
public bool Raycast(Vector3 screenPoint, List<ARRaycastHit> hitResults, TrackableType trackableTypeMask = TrackableType.All)
if (hitResults == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("hitResults");
var raycastSubsystem = ARSubsystemManager.raycastSubsystem;
if (raycastSubsystem == null)
return false;
var originTransform = camera != null ? camera.transform : trackablesParent;
// Results are in "trackables space"
if (raycastSubsystem.Raycast(screenPoint, s_RaycastHits, trackableTypeMask))
// Transform results back into world space
TransformRaycastResults(trackablesParent, hitResults, originTransform.position);
return hitResults.Count > 0;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Cast a <c>Ray</c> against trackables, i.e., detected features such as planes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ray">The <c>Ray</c>, in Unity world space, to cast.</param>
/// <param name="hitResults">Contents are replaced with the raycast results, if successful.</param>
/// <param name="trackableTypeMask">(Optional) The types of trackables to cast against.</param>
/// <param name="pointCloudRaycastAngleInDegrees">(Optional) Used to define the angle of the cone to use when raycasting against feature points.</param>
/// <returns>True if the raycast hit a trackable in the <paramref name="trackableTypeMask"/></returns>
public bool Raycast(Ray ray, List<ARRaycastHit> hitResults, TrackableType trackableTypeMask = TrackableType.All, float pointCloudRaycastAngleInDegrees = 5f)
if (trackablesParent == null)
return false;
if (hitResults == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("hitResults");
var rayLocalSpace = trackablesParent.InverseTransformRay(ray);
TransformRaycastResults(trackablesParent, hitResults, ray.origin);
return hitResults.Count > 0;
static void TransformRaycastResults(Transform transform, List<ARRaycastHit> hits, Vector3 rayOrigin)
foreach (var hit in s_RaycastHits)
float distanceInWorldSpace = (hit.Pose.position - rayOrigin).magnitude;
hits.Add(new ARRaycastHit(hit, distanceInWorldSpace, transform));
void Awake()
// This will be the parent GameObject for any trackables (such as planes) for which
// we want a corresponding GameObject.
trackablesParent = (new GameObject("Trackables")).transform;
trackablesParent.SetParent(transform, false);
trackablesParent.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
trackablesParent.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
trackablesParent.localScale = Vector3.one;
if (camera != null)
var trackedPoseDriver = camera.GetComponent<TrackedPoseDriver>();
// Warn if not using a TrackedPoseDriver
if (trackedPoseDriver == null)
"Camera \"{0}\" does not use a Tracked Pose Driver, so its transform " +
"will not be updated by an XR device.", camera.name);
// If we are using a TrackedPoseDriver, and the user hasn't chosen "make relative"
// then warn if the camera has a non-identity transform (since it will be overwritten).
else if (!trackedPoseDriver.UseRelativeTransform)
var cameraTransform = camera.transform;
if ((cameraTransform.localPosition != Vector3.zero) || (cameraTransform.localRotation != Quaternion.identity))
"Camera \"{0}\" has a non-identity transform (position = {1}, rotation = {2}). " +
"The camera's local position and rotation will be overwritten by the XR device, " +
"so this starting transform will have no effect. Tick the \"Make Relative\" " +
"checkbox on the camera's Tracked Pose Driver to apply this starting transform.",
Pose GetCameraOriginPose()
var trackedPoseDriver = camera.GetComponent<TrackedPoseDriver>();
if (trackedPoseDriver != null)
var localOriginPose = trackedPoseDriver.originPose;
var parent = camera.transform.parent;
if (parent == null)
return localOriginPose;
return parent.TransformPose(localOriginPose);
return Pose.identity;
void Update()
if (camera != null)
// Make sure the trackables has the same local transform as the camera's origin
var pose = GetCameraOriginPose();
trackablesParent.position = pose.position;
trackablesParent.rotation = pose.rotation;
var cameraSubsystem = ARSubsystemManager.cameraSubsystem;
if ((cameraSubsystem != null) && (cameraSubsystem.Camera != null))
// This rig may not be using the AR Session's camera, but it
// is probably rendering AR content. The projection matrices
// should match in order for the AR content to look correct.
// Otherwise, it will appear "floaty".
if (camera != cameraSubsystem.Camera)
camera.projectionMatrix = cameraSubsystem.Camera.projectionMatrix;
static List<XRRaycastHit> s_RaycastHits = new List<XRRaycastHit>();
Version 2.0
using System;
using UnityEngine.SpatialTracking;
namespace UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation
/// <summary>
/// An <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> is the parent for an AR setup. It contains a <c>Camera</c> and
/// any <c>GameObject</c>s created from detected features, such as planes or point clouds.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Session space vs Unity space
/// Since an AR device will be used to drive the <c>Camera</c>'s position and rotation,
/// you cannot directly place the <c>Camera</c> at an arbitrary position in the Unity scene.
/// Instead, you should position the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>. This will make the <c>Camera</c>
/// (and any detected features) relative to that as a result.
/// It is important to keep the <c>Camera</c> and detected features in the same space relative to
/// each other (otherwise, detected features like planes won't appear in the correct place relative
/// to the <c>Camera</c>). We call the space relative to the AR device's starting position
/// "session space" or "device space". For example, when the AR session begins, the device may
/// report its position as (0, 0, 0). Detected features, such as planes, will be reported relative
/// to this starting position. The purpose of the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> is to convert the session space
/// to Unity world space.
/// To facilitate this, the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> creates a new <c>GameObject</c> called "Trackables"
/// as a sibling of its <c>Camera</c>. This should be the parent <c>GameObject</c> for all
/// detected features.
/// At runtime, a typical scene graph might look like this:
/// - AR Session Origin
/// - Camera
/// - Trackables
/// - Detected plane 1
/// - Detected plane 2
/// - Point cloud
/// - etc...
/// You can access the "trackables" <c>GameObject</c> with <see cref="trackablesParent"/>.
/// Note that the <c>localPosition</c> and <c>localRotation</c> of detected trackables
/// remain in real-world meters relative to the AR device's starting position and rotation.
/// Scale
/// If you want to scale the content rendered by the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> you should apply
/// the scale to the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s transform. This is preferrable to scaling
/// the content directly as that can have undesirable side-effects. Physics and NavMeshes,
/// for example, do not perform well when scaled very small.
/// </remarks>
public class ARSessionOrigin : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("The Camera to associate with the AR device.")]
Camera m_Camera;
/// <summary>
/// The <c>Camera</c> to associate with the AR device. It must be a child of this <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The <c>Camera</c> should update its position and rotation according to the AR device.
/// This is typically accomplished by adding a <c>TrackedPoseDriver</c> component to the
/// <c>Camera</c>.
/// </remarks>
public new Camera camera
public Camera camera
get { return m_Camera; }
set { m_Camera = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The parent <c>Transform</c> for all "trackables", e.g., planes and feature points.
/// </summary>
public Transform trackablesParent { get; private set; }
GameObject m_ContentOffsetGameObject;
Transform contentOffsetTransform
if (m_ContentOffsetGameObject == null)
// Insert a GameObject directly below the rig
m_ContentOffsetGameObject = new GameObject("Content Placement Offset");
m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
// Re-parent any children of the ARSessionOrigin
for (var i = 0; i < transform.childCount; ++i)
var child = transform.GetChild(i);
if (child != m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform)
child.SetParent(m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform, true);
--i; // Decrement because childCount is also one less.
return m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform;
/// <summary>
/// Makes <paramref name="content"/> appear to be placed at <paramref name="position"/> with orientation <paramref name="rotation"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">The <c>Transform</c> of the content you wish to affect.</param>
/// <param name="position">The position you wish the content to appear at. This could be
/// a position on a detected plane, for example.</param>
/// <param name="rotation">The rotation the content should appear to be in, relative
/// to the <c>Camera</c>.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This method does not actually change the <c>Transform</c> of content; instead,
/// it updates the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s <c>Transform</c> such that it appears the content
/// is now at the given position and rotation. This is useful for placing AR
/// content onto surfaces when the content itself cannot be moved at runtime.
/// For example, if your content includes terrain or a nav mesh, then it cannot
/// be moved or rotated dynamically.
/// </remarks>
public void MakeContentAppearAt(Transform content, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
MakeContentAppearAt(content, position);
MakeContentAppearAt(content, rotation);
/// <summary>
/// Makes <paramref name="content"/> appear to be placed at <paramref name="position"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">The <c>Transform</c> of the content you wish to affect.</param>
/// <param name="position">The position you wish the content to appear at. This could be
/// a position on a detected plane, for example.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This method does not actually change the <c>Transform</c> of content; instead,
/// it updates the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s <c>Transform</c> such that it appears the content
/// is now at the given position.
/// </remarks>
public void MakeContentAppearAt(Transform content, Vector3 position)
if (content == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("content");
// Adjust the "point of interest" transform to account
// for the actual position we want the content to appear at.
contentOffsetTransform.position += transform.position - position;
// The ARSessionOrigin's position needs to match the content's pivot. This is so
// the entire ARSessionOrigin rotates around the content (so the impression is that
// the content is rotating, not the rig).
transform.position = content.position;
/// <summary>
/// Makes <paramref name="content"/> appear to have orientation <paramref name="rotation"/> relative to the <c>Camera</c>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">The <c>Transform</c> of the content you wish to affect.</param>
/// <param name="rotation">The rotation the content should appear to be in, relative
/// to the <c>Camera</c>.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This method does not actually change the <c>Transform</c> of content; instead,
/// it updates the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s <c>Transform</c> such that it appears the content
/// is in the requested orientation.
/// </remarks>
public void MakeContentAppearAt(Transform content, Quaternion rotation)
if (content == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("content");
// Since we aren't rotating the content, we need to perform the inverse
// operation on the ARSessionOrigin. For example, if we want the
// content to appear to be rotated 90 degrees on the Y axis, we should
// rotate our rig -90 degrees on the Y axis.
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * content.rotation;
void Awake()
// This will be the parent GameObject for any trackables (such as planes) for which
// we want a corresponding GameObject.
trackablesParent = (new GameObject("Trackables")).transform;
trackablesParent.SetParent(transform, false);
trackablesParent.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
trackablesParent.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
trackablesParent.localScale = Vector3.one;
if (camera != null)
var trackedPoseDriver = camera.GetComponent<TrackedPoseDriver>();
// Warn if not using a TrackedPoseDriver
if (trackedPoseDriver == null)
"Camera \"{0}\" does not use a Tracked Pose Driver, so its transform " +
"will not be updated by an XR device.", camera.name);
// If we are using a TrackedPoseDriver, and the user hasn't chosen "make relative"
// then warn if the camera has a non-identity transform (since it will be overwritten).
else if (!trackedPoseDriver.UseRelativeTransform)
var cameraTransform = camera.transform;
if ((cameraTransform.localPosition != Vector3.zero) || (cameraTransform.localRotation != Quaternion.identity))
"Camera \"{0}\" has a non-identity transform (position = {1}, rotation = {2}). " +
"The camera's local position and rotation will be overwritten by the XR device, " +
"so this starting transform will have no effect. Tick the \"Make Relative\" " +
"checkbox on the camera's Tracked Pose Driver to apply this starting transform.",
Pose GetCameraOriginPose()
var trackedPoseDriver = camera.GetComponent<TrackedPoseDriver>();
if (trackedPoseDriver != null)
var localOriginPose = trackedPoseDriver.originPose;
var parent = camera.transform.parent;
if (parent == null)
return localOriginPose;
return parent.TransformPose(localOriginPose);
return Pose.identity;
void Update()
if (camera != null)
// Make sure the trackables has the same local transform as the camera's origin
var pose = GetCameraOriginPose();
trackablesParent.position = pose.position;
trackablesParent.rotation = pose.rotation;