ARFoundation: ARSessionOrigin.Raycast() no longer exists in Version 2.1.0?,

**Problem: ** I am trying to access the Raycast() method inside of the ARSessionOrigin class, but it appears that ARSessionOrigin.Raycast() is no longer a method in the new version of ARFoundation V 2.1.0.
Does anyone know if this is intentional and it got moved somewhere else or is it a bug?

**Description: ** To give some context, I am developing an AR application and decided to try ARFoundation rather than directly using the ARKit plugin that you can grab off of bitbucket. The first problem I encountered was that the Unity Remote does not work for this version of unity, so it required be to build out the application every time just to test. I was then inclined to upgrade my unity version 2018.3.0f2 to 2019.1.2 to speed up the development process. After converting, I learned that I needed to upgrade my ARFoundation and ARKit XR plugins from version 1.0.0 to version 2.1.0.

If anyone has any recommendation or can point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it!

I have attached both ARSessionOrigin scripts from version 1.0.0 and version 2.0.0. You can see that version 2.0.0 is missing a Raycast() method.

Version 1.0.0

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.SpatialTracking;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.XR;

namespace UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation
    /// <summary>
    /// An <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> is the parent for an AR setup. It contains a <c>Camera</c> and
    /// any <c>GameObject</c>s created from detected features, such as planes or point clouds.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Session space vs Unity space
    /// Since an AR device will be used to drive the <c>Camera</c>'s position and rotation,
    /// you cannot directly place the <c>Camera</c> at an arbitrary position in the Unity scene.
    /// Instead, you should position the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>. This will make the <c>Camera</c>
    /// (and any detected features) relative to that as a result.
    /// It is important to keep the <c>Camera</c> and detected features in the same space relative to
    /// each other (otherwise, detected features like planes won't appear in the correct place relative
    /// to the <c>Camera</c>). We call the space relative to the AR device's starting position
    /// "session space" or "device space". For example, when the AR session begins, the device may
    /// report its position as (0, 0, 0). Detected features, such as planes, will be reported relative
    /// to this starting position. The purpose of the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> is to convert the session space
    /// to Unity world space.
    /// To facilitate this, the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> creates a new <c>GameObject</c> called "Trackables"
    /// as a sibling of its <c>Camera</c>. This should be the parent <c>GameObject</c> for all
    /// detected features.
    /// At runtime, a typical scene graph might look like this:
    /// - AR Session Origin
    ///     - Camera
    ///     - Trackables
    ///         - Detected plane 1
    ///         - Detected plane 2
    ///         - Point cloud
    ///         - etc...
    /// You can access the "trackables" <c>GameObject</c> with <see cref="trackablesParent"/>.
    /// Note that the <c>localPosition</c> and <c>localRotation</c> of detected trackables
    /// remain in real-world meters relative to the AR device's starting position and rotation.
    /// Scale
    /// If you want to scale the content rendered by the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> you should apply
    /// the scale to the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s transform. This is preferrable to scaling
    /// the content directly as that can have undesirable side-effects. Physics and NavMeshes,
    /// for example, do not perform well when scaled very small.
    /// </remarks>
    public class ARSessionOrigin : MonoBehaviour
        [Tooltip("The Camera to associate with the AR device.")]
        Camera m_Camera;

        /// <summary>
        /// The <c>Camera</c> to associate with the AR device. It must be a child of this <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The <c>Camera</c> should update its position and rotation according to the AR device.
        /// This is typically accomplished by adding a <c>TrackedPoseDriver</c> component to the
        /// <c>Camera</c>.
        /// </remarks>
        public new Camera camera
        public Camera camera
            get { return m_Camera; }
            set { m_Camera = value; }

        /// <summary>
        /// The parent <c>Transform</c> for all "trackables", e.g., planes and feature points.
        /// </summary>
        public Transform trackablesParent { get; private set; }

        GameObject m_ContentOffsetGameObject;

        Transform contentOffsetTransform
                if (m_ContentOffsetGameObject == null)
                    // Insert a GameObject directly below the rig
                    m_ContentOffsetGameObject = new GameObject("Content Placement Offset");
                    m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform.SetParent(transform, false);

                    // Re-parent any children of the ARSessionOrigin
                    for (var i = 0; i < transform.childCount; ++i)
                        var child = transform.GetChild(i);
                        if (child != m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform)
                            child.SetParent(m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform, true);
                            --i; // Decrement because childCount is also one less.

                return m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform;

        /// <summary>
        /// Makes <paramref name="content"/> appear to be placed at <paramref name="position"/> with orientation <paramref name="rotation"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">The <c>Transform</c> of the content you wish to affect.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position you wish the content to appear at. This could be
        /// a position on a detected plane, for example.</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">The rotation the content should appear to be in, relative
        /// to the <c>Camera</c>.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method does not actually change the <c>Transform</c> of content; instead,
        /// it updates the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s <c>Transform</c> such that it appears the content
        /// is now at the given position and rotation. This is useful for placing AR
        /// content onto surfaces when the content itself cannot be moved at runtime.
        /// For example, if your content includes terrain or a nav mesh, then it cannot
        /// be moved or rotated dynamically.
        /// </remarks>
        public void MakeContentAppearAt(Transform content, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
            MakeContentAppearAt(content, position);
            MakeContentAppearAt(content, rotation);

        /// <summary>
        /// Makes <paramref name="content"/> appear to be placed at <paramref name="position"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">The <c>Transform</c> of the content you wish to affect.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position you wish the content to appear at. This could be
        /// a position on a detected plane, for example.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method does not actually change the <c>Transform</c> of content; instead,
        /// it updates the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s <c>Transform</c> such that it appears the content
        /// is now at the given position.
        /// </remarks>
        public void MakeContentAppearAt(Transform content, Vector3 position)
            if (content == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("content");

            // Adjust the "point of interest" transform to account
            // for the actual position we want the content to appear at.
            contentOffsetTransform.position += transform.position - position;

            // The ARSessionOrigin's position needs to match the content's pivot. This is so
            // the entire ARSessionOrigin rotates around the content (so the impression is that
            // the content is rotating, not the rig).
            transform.position = content.position;

        /// <summary>
        /// Makes <paramref name="content"/> appear to have orientation <paramref name="rotation"/> relative to the <c>Camera</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">The <c>Transform</c> of the content you wish to affect.</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">The rotation the content should appear to be in, relative
        /// to the <c>Camera</c>.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method does not actually change the <c>Transform</c> of content; instead,
        /// it updates the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s <c>Transform</c> such that it appears the content
        /// is in the requested orientation.
        /// </remarks>
        public void MakeContentAppearAt(Transform content, Quaternion rotation)
            if (content == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("content");

            // Since we aren't rotating the content, we need to perform the inverse
            // operation on the ARSessionOrigin. For example, if we want the
            // content to appear to be rotated 90 degrees on the Y axis, we should
            // rotate our rig -90 degrees on the Y axis.
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * content.rotation;

        /// <summary>
        /// Cast a ray from a point in screen space against trackables, i.e., detected features such as planes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="screenPoint">The point, in device screen pixels, from which to cast.</param>
        /// <param name="hitResults">Contents are replaced with the raycast results, if successful.</param>
        /// <param name="trackableTypeMask">(Optional) The types of trackables to cast against.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the raycast hit a trackable in the <paramref name="trackableTypeMask"/></returns>
        public bool Raycast(Vector3 screenPoint, List<ARRaycastHit> hitResults, TrackableType trackableTypeMask = TrackableType.All)
            if (hitResults == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("hitResults");

            var raycastSubsystem = ARSubsystemManager.raycastSubsystem;
            if (raycastSubsystem == null)
                return false;

            var originTransform = camera != null ? camera.transform : trackablesParent;

            // Results are in "trackables space"
            if (raycastSubsystem.Raycast(screenPoint, s_RaycastHits, trackableTypeMask))
                // Transform results back into world space
                TransformRaycastResults(trackablesParent, hitResults, originTransform.position);
                return hitResults.Count > 0;

            return false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Cast a <c>Ray</c> against trackables, i.e., detected features such as planes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">The <c>Ray</c>, in Unity world space, to cast.</param>
        /// <param name="hitResults">Contents are replaced with the raycast results, if successful.</param>
        /// <param name="trackableTypeMask">(Optional) The types of trackables to cast against.</param>
        /// <param name="pointCloudRaycastAngleInDegrees">(Optional) Used to define the angle of the cone to use when raycasting against feature points.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the raycast hit a trackable in the <paramref name="trackableTypeMask"/></returns>
        public bool Raycast(Ray ray, List<ARRaycastHit> hitResults, TrackableType trackableTypeMask = TrackableType.All, float pointCloudRaycastAngleInDegrees = 5f)
            if (trackablesParent == null)
                return false;

            if (hitResults == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("hitResults");

            var rayLocalSpace = trackablesParent.InverseTransformRay(ray);


            TransformRaycastResults(trackablesParent, hitResults, ray.origin);

            return hitResults.Count > 0;

        static void TransformRaycastResults(Transform transform, List<ARRaycastHit> hits, Vector3 rayOrigin)
            foreach (var hit in s_RaycastHits)
                float distanceInWorldSpace = (hit.Pose.position - rayOrigin).magnitude;
                hits.Add(new ARRaycastHit(hit, distanceInWorldSpace, transform));

        void Awake()
            // This will be the parent GameObject for any trackables (such as planes) for which
            // we want a corresponding GameObject.
            trackablesParent = (new GameObject("Trackables")).transform;
            trackablesParent.SetParent(transform, false);
            trackablesParent.localPosition =;
            trackablesParent.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            trackablesParent.localScale =;

            if (camera != null)
                var trackedPoseDriver = camera.GetComponent<TrackedPoseDriver>();

                // Warn if not using a TrackedPoseDriver
                if (trackedPoseDriver == null)
                        "Camera \"{0}\" does not use a Tracked Pose Driver, so its transform " +
                        "will not be updated by an XR device.",;
                // If we are using a TrackedPoseDriver, and the user hasn't chosen "make relative"
                // then warn if the camera has a non-identity transform (since it will be overwritten).
                else if (!trackedPoseDriver.UseRelativeTransform)
                    var cameraTransform = camera.transform;
                    if ((cameraTransform.localPosition != || (cameraTransform.localRotation != Quaternion.identity))
                            "Camera \"{0}\" has a non-identity transform (position = {1}, rotation = {2}). " +
                            "The camera's local position and rotation will be overwritten by the XR device, " +
                            "so this starting transform will have no effect. Tick the \"Make Relative\" " +
                            "checkbox on the camera's Tracked Pose Driver to apply this starting transform.",

        Pose GetCameraOriginPose()
            var trackedPoseDriver = camera.GetComponent<TrackedPoseDriver>();
            if (trackedPoseDriver != null)
                var localOriginPose = trackedPoseDriver.originPose;
                var parent = camera.transform.parent;

                if (parent == null)
                    return localOriginPose;

                return parent.TransformPose(localOriginPose);

            return Pose.identity;

        void Update()
            if (camera != null)
                // Make sure the trackables has the same local transform as the camera's origin
                var pose = GetCameraOriginPose();
                trackablesParent.position = pose.position;
                trackablesParent.rotation = pose.rotation;

                var cameraSubsystem = ARSubsystemManager.cameraSubsystem;
                if ((cameraSubsystem != null) && (cameraSubsystem.Camera != null))
                    // This rig may not be using the AR Session's camera, but it
                    // is probably rendering AR content. The projection matrices
                    // should match in order for the AR content to look correct.
                    // Otherwise, it will appear "floaty".
                    if (camera != cameraSubsystem.Camera)
                        camera.projectionMatrix = cameraSubsystem.Camera.projectionMatrix;

        static List<XRRaycastHit> s_RaycastHits = new List<XRRaycastHit>();

Version 2.0

using System;
using UnityEngine.SpatialTracking;

namespace UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation
    /// <summary>
    /// An <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> is the parent for an AR setup. It contains a <c>Camera</c> and
    /// any <c>GameObject</c>s created from detected features, such as planes or point clouds.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Session space vs Unity space
    /// Since an AR device will be used to drive the <c>Camera</c>'s position and rotation,
    /// you cannot directly place the <c>Camera</c> at an arbitrary position in the Unity scene.
    /// Instead, you should position the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>. This will make the <c>Camera</c>
    /// (and any detected features) relative to that as a result.
    /// It is important to keep the <c>Camera</c> and detected features in the same space relative to
    /// each other (otherwise, detected features like planes won't appear in the correct place relative
    /// to the <c>Camera</c>). We call the space relative to the AR device's starting position
    /// "session space" or "device space". For example, when the AR session begins, the device may
    /// report its position as (0, 0, 0). Detected features, such as planes, will be reported relative
    /// to this starting position. The purpose of the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> is to convert the session space
    /// to Unity world space.
    /// To facilitate this, the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> creates a new <c>GameObject</c> called "Trackables"
    /// as a sibling of its <c>Camera</c>. This should be the parent <c>GameObject</c> for all
    /// detected features.
    /// At runtime, a typical scene graph might look like this:
    /// - AR Session Origin
    ///     - Camera
    ///     - Trackables
    ///         - Detected plane 1
    ///         - Detected plane 2
    ///         - Point cloud
    ///         - etc...
    /// You can access the "trackables" <c>GameObject</c> with <see cref="trackablesParent"/>.
    /// Note that the <c>localPosition</c> and <c>localRotation</c> of detected trackables
    /// remain in real-world meters relative to the AR device's starting position and rotation.
    /// Scale
    /// If you want to scale the content rendered by the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c> you should apply
    /// the scale to the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s transform. This is preferrable to scaling
    /// the content directly as that can have undesirable side-effects. Physics and NavMeshes,
    /// for example, do not perform well when scaled very small.
    /// </remarks>
    public class ARSessionOrigin : MonoBehaviour
        [Tooltip("The Camera to associate with the AR device.")]
        Camera m_Camera;

        /// <summary>
        /// The <c>Camera</c> to associate with the AR device. It must be a child of this <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The <c>Camera</c> should update its position and rotation according to the AR device.
        /// This is typically accomplished by adding a <c>TrackedPoseDriver</c> component to the
        /// <c>Camera</c>.
        /// </remarks>
        public new Camera camera
        public Camera camera
            get { return m_Camera; }
            set { m_Camera = value; }

        /// <summary>
        /// The parent <c>Transform</c> for all "trackables", e.g., planes and feature points.
        /// </summary>
        public Transform trackablesParent { get; private set; }

        GameObject m_ContentOffsetGameObject;

        Transform contentOffsetTransform
                if (m_ContentOffsetGameObject == null)
                    // Insert a GameObject directly below the rig
                    m_ContentOffsetGameObject = new GameObject("Content Placement Offset");
                    m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform.SetParent(transform, false);

                    // Re-parent any children of the ARSessionOrigin
                    for (var i = 0; i < transform.childCount; ++i)
                        var child = transform.GetChild(i);
                        if (child != m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform)
                            child.SetParent(m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform, true);
                            --i; // Decrement because childCount is also one less.

                return m_ContentOffsetGameObject.transform;

        /// <summary>
        /// Makes <paramref name="content"/> appear to be placed at <paramref name="position"/> with orientation <paramref name="rotation"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">The <c>Transform</c> of the content you wish to affect.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position you wish the content to appear at. This could be
        /// a position on a detected plane, for example.</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">The rotation the content should appear to be in, relative
        /// to the <c>Camera</c>.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method does not actually change the <c>Transform</c> of content; instead,
        /// it updates the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s <c>Transform</c> such that it appears the content
        /// is now at the given position and rotation. This is useful for placing AR
        /// content onto surfaces when the content itself cannot be moved at runtime.
        /// For example, if your content includes terrain or a nav mesh, then it cannot
        /// be moved or rotated dynamically.
        /// </remarks>
        public void MakeContentAppearAt(Transform content, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
            MakeContentAppearAt(content, position);
            MakeContentAppearAt(content, rotation);

        /// <summary>
        /// Makes <paramref name="content"/> appear to be placed at <paramref name="position"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">The <c>Transform</c> of the content you wish to affect.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position you wish the content to appear at. This could be
        /// a position on a detected plane, for example.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method does not actually change the <c>Transform</c> of content; instead,
        /// it updates the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s <c>Transform</c> such that it appears the content
        /// is now at the given position.
        /// </remarks>
        public void MakeContentAppearAt(Transform content, Vector3 position)
            if (content == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("content");

            // Adjust the "point of interest" transform to account
            // for the actual position we want the content to appear at.
            contentOffsetTransform.position += transform.position - position;

            // The ARSessionOrigin's position needs to match the content's pivot. This is so
            // the entire ARSessionOrigin rotates around the content (so the impression is that
            // the content is rotating, not the rig).
            transform.position = content.position;

        /// <summary>
        /// Makes <paramref name="content"/> appear to have orientation <paramref name="rotation"/> relative to the <c>Camera</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">The <c>Transform</c> of the content you wish to affect.</param>
        /// <param name="rotation">The rotation the content should appear to be in, relative
        /// to the <c>Camera</c>.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method does not actually change the <c>Transform</c> of content; instead,
        /// it updates the <c>ARSessionOrigin</c>'s <c>Transform</c> such that it appears the content
        /// is in the requested orientation.
        /// </remarks>
        public void MakeContentAppearAt(Transform content, Quaternion rotation)
            if (content == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("content");

            // Since we aren't rotating the content, we need to perform the inverse
            // operation on the ARSessionOrigin. For example, if we want the
            // content to appear to be rotated 90 degrees on the Y axis, we should
            // rotate our rig -90 degrees on the Y axis.
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * content.rotation;

        void Awake()
            // This will be the parent GameObject for any trackables (such as planes) for which
            // we want a corresponding GameObject.
            trackablesParent = (new GameObject("Trackables")).transform;
            trackablesParent.SetParent(transform, false);
            trackablesParent.localPosition =;
            trackablesParent.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            trackablesParent.localScale =;

            if (camera != null)
                var trackedPoseDriver = camera.GetComponent<TrackedPoseDriver>();

                // Warn if not using a TrackedPoseDriver
                if (trackedPoseDriver == null)
                        "Camera \"{0}\" does not use a Tracked Pose Driver, so its transform " +
                        "will not be updated by an XR device.",;
                // If we are using a TrackedPoseDriver, and the user hasn't chosen "make relative"
                // then warn if the camera has a non-identity transform (since it will be overwritten).
                else if (!trackedPoseDriver.UseRelativeTransform)
                    var cameraTransform = camera.transform;
                    if ((cameraTransform.localPosition != || (cameraTransform.localRotation != Quaternion.identity))
                            "Camera \"{0}\" has a non-identity transform (position = {1}, rotation = {2}). " +
                            "The camera's local position and rotation will be overwritten by the XR device, " +
                            "so this starting transform will have no effect. Tick the \"Make Relative\" " +
                            "checkbox on the camera's Tracked Pose Driver to apply this starting transform.",

        Pose GetCameraOriginPose()
            var trackedPoseDriver = camera.GetComponent<TrackedPoseDriver>();
            if (trackedPoseDriver != null)
                var localOriginPose = trackedPoseDriver.originPose;
                var parent = camera.transform.parent;

                if (parent == null)
                    return localOriginPose;

                return parent.TransformPose(localOriginPose);

            return Pose.identity;

        void Update()
            if (camera != null)
                // Make sure the trackables has the same local transform as the camera's origin
                var pose = GetCameraOriginPose();
                trackablesParent.position = pose.position;
                trackablesParent.rotation = pose.rotation;


Relative to the migration guide:

The raycasting API is the same as before, only now it is on a new component ARRaycastManager. Previously it was on the ARSessionOrigin. If you need to perform a raycast, make sure you have a ARRaycastManager on the same GameObject as the ARSessionOrigin and use the Raycast methods on that component.

So, to use the ARRaycasting, you have to :

  • Have the ARRaycastManager on the same GameObject as the ARSessionOrigin

  • In the script, find and use the ARRaycastManager to have the same Raycast method.

    raycastManager = FindObjectOfType();
    var screenCenter = Camera.main.ViewportToScreenPoint(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f));
    var hits = new List();
    raycastManager.Raycast(screenCenter, hits, TrackableType.Planes);

Hi @c3dvr,

It seems that they have moved Raycast from ARSessionOrigin to ARRaycastManager in latest version. As mentioned in About AR Foundation | Package Manager UI website, you need to “add an ARRaycastManager to the same GameObject as the ARSessionOrigin”.

I hope that helps. I just started with Unity and found myself stuck at the very beginning.


This caused me an issue too and took me awhile to realize how simple it was to solve! I just had to roll back some packages to previous versions.

Go to Window > Package Manager
Drop down ARFoundation and click See All Versions and Update to Preview.6 - 1.1.0
Drop down ARCore XR Plugin and click See All Versions and Update to Preview.24 - 1.0.0
Drop down ARKit XR Plugin and click See All Versions and Update to Preview.27 - 1.0.0

These versions work for me. You may have used different versions in other projects so just check which ones and update to those versions.

While downgrading is an option, i suggest to checkout the migration guide so you can update your code.

Other than the Raycast function, not much has changed.

Hello, I noticed you’re also playing around with the tracked object, and Ive been stuck on how to access the position, etc of the trackables in real time to be able to display content relative to their position in world space. I know the trackables array can be accessed via the trackablesParent, but how? Any help appreciated.

Use the ARRaycastManager component instead of ARSessionOrigin.

private ARRaycastManager

arOrigin = FindObjectOfType();

arOrigin.Raycast(screenCenter, hits, TrackableType.Planes);