ARFoundation does not support Restore AR Content After Relocalization?

How does arfoundation use ARSCNView And func renderer(SCNSceneRenderer, didAdd: SCNNode, for: ARAnchor)?

Saving a world map also archives all anchors currently associated with the AR session. After you successfully run a session from a saved world map, the session contains all anchors previously saved in the map. You can use saved anchors to restore virtual content from a previous session.

The same ARSCNView delegate method renderer(_:didAdd:for:) fires both when you directly add an anchor to the session and when the session restores anchors from a world map.

ARFoundation / ARKit does not use ARSCNView.


arfoundation …How to get the saved ARAnchor after loading the worldmap?

See the documentation for ARKit ARWorldMap.

The arfoundation-samples repository includes a sample scene ARWorldMap.unity that demonstrates how to use the ARKit ARWorldMap in an AR Foundation scene.