ARFoundation, plane tracking. What is the max. distance to tracked surface?

I want to track vertical surfaces that are not close to the camera. The distance between tracked surface and the camera would be ~ 10-20 meters, in my use case.
My problem/ question: Vertical surfaces do not seem to be detected and therefore not tracked, if they are too far away.
I tried this with one of the plane tracking demo scenes by Unity. In case, I am closer to the same surfaces, the tracking works of course, since there are sufficient features.

Does anyone know what I would have to change to achieve a working tracking and plane detection i case of greater distances, or whether larger distances are possible at all? Or could it be a question of culling, i.e. the plane detection works, but the planes are not rendered.

Thanks in advance.

AR Foundation is a wrapper around native AR implementations (ARKit, ARCore, etc.), so maximum tracked distance depends on a specific provider.
By default, ARCamera’s Far Clipping Plane is set to 20 meters, this may be the reason why you don’t see tracked planes.

Thanks for your reply. I was using an iPad, distance was approx. 8-9 meters. But, I was trying the LiDAR. I read that it only scans within a distance of max 5 m.