ARFoundation Release 1.0.0-preview.20

Hi folks,

Happy Friday! I’m happy to announce another release of all ARFoundation-related packages. This includes some new features as well as bug fixes. As always, go to Window > Package Manager in Unity to update your packages.

Here are some selected highlights:

ARFoundation (1.0.0-preview.20, full changelog)
ARCore (1.0.0-preview.23, full changelog)
ARKit (1.0.0-preview.17, full changelog)

ARExtensions (1.0.0-preview.6, full changelog)

  • Fixed a crash when repeatedly enabling and disabling AR. You would see this if you switched scenes multiple times or called ARSession.Reset() more than once.
  • Added a build validation utility to prevent accidental assembly stripping (this can happen when using the IL2CPP backend).

I’ve also added a couple new sample scenes to the github repo, so please check them out and let me know what other examples we should provide.


Thats great…

Couple of Qs. what min ver of unity do you recommend for above package combo.

Is there a min ios build target ver recommended for arkit 17?

Thanks for all the work to date on arfoundation

Unity 2018.1 is required, but I recommend 2018.2.

iOS 11.3 is the min spec, but you’ll need 12 for ARWorldMap support.

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Thanks @tdmowrer

Cool thanks for these updates. As far I understand, the ARKit preview supports features from ARkit 2.0, however the ARCore preview only supports features from ARCore 1.3 (or 1.2). Is there a reason the apple stuff is more up to date than the Android stuff? As far I know ARCore is already on 1.5? Please excuse the newbie ignorant question, I just really want to wrap my head around all this

[quote=“tdmowrer, post:1, topic: 721125, username:tdmowrer”]
ARExtensions (1.0.0-preview.6, full changelog)
I have:
AR Foundation preview 20
ARCore XR Plugin preview 23
ARKit XR Plugin 17

but I dont see the ARExtensions preview 6. What is that for and what do I need to add to the manifest to see that in the Package manager?

Ah awesome thanks these new examples answers some other questions I had. Keep up the good work team!

If you could add something that initially autoscales the placed model to fit in view, that would be great. We can then toggle 1:1 scale or a slider to make the thing bigger or smaller. The initial autoscale will help for things where the model is very larger (a passenger jet or an aircraft hanger) so it fits in screen and the user dont get overwelmed by this HUGE model that suddenly “floods” his/her screen

It’s true that we don’t support the full feature set of ARCore 1.5 and ARKit 2.0 yet, but we aren’t strictly limited to a specific version of ARCore or ARKit either. The features that are currently missing are

  • Image tracking (both platforms)
  • Cloud anchors (ARCore)
  • 3D object tracking (ARKit)
  • Environment probes (ARKit)

These features are being worked on.

ARExtensions provides, well, extensions, to the built-in XR Subsystems. This lets us add missing functionality to things like the camera or session subsystem without having to wait for a new Unity release. You don’t need an explicit reference to it in your project’s package manifest because all the other packages list it as a dependency, so it is added automatically.

I’ll add it to our backlog.


If we upgrade our AR project from the current official 2018.2, to the 2018.3 beta or the 2019.1 beta, will everything still work like it does now, or is this not recommeneded? (I don’t mean new features, I just mean any features we used in 2018.2)

Main reason being we want to take advantage of better graphics in the LWRP and also explore the GPU Lightmapper together with our AR Foundation project.

I’d appreciate any comments or suggestions in this regard.

I can’t say everything will with the same (they are betas afterall), but ARFoundation supports 2018.3. It does not yet support 2019.1.

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LWRP might be an issue until we make it work on LWRP 4.1 (we currently support 3.3.0) for 2018.3. For 2019.x, LWRP 5.1 will need to be supported as well.


So basically we shouldnt jump the gun then.

However, everything works great and as expected with 2018.3.0b10 and LWRP 3.3.0 correct? No known issues?

One issue with LWRP in general that I found is that the the transparent shadow receiver shader is not working any more (there is no direct substitute that I know). For me this is important as I need to have shadows in my AR app. Maybe there is some other LWRP-compatible shader available that I don’t know of?

Hello tdmowrer, I am currently using Unity3D 2018.4.11 with packages as follows:
AR Foundation - Preview 20
ARKit XR Plugin - preview 17
ARCore XR plugin - Preview 23

iOS build crashes in AR Scene. Please help me into this issue.
Crash Error:
APPNAME was compiled with optimization - stepping may behave oddly; variables may not be available

Whats is the min iOS Version for the project build? Looking forward hearing you soon.