Argh! No short, char/byte : ((

Its soooo frustrating that there are no support for simple things like short and byte/char in the RPC protocol.
Even though i have known it for a long time its always super annoying every time all over again : p
Should be really easy to add this and it would save many ppl a bunch of bytes all together. I know its possible to pack them into strings but thats a lot of extra work compared : ((
At least booleans are supported even though there is nothing about that in the docs : /

Edit: Sorry for the ranting post : p
But would be awesome if this could be fixed ; )

If the built-in networking ever gets updated, I bet it will support those types. At the moment however, no update is on the horizon.
You could switch to Photon Unity Networking. It’s very similar but supports more types and is more customizable.
Basically any 3rd party solution should be better than starting a new project with Unity’s built-in networking at the moment. At least for potentially commercial projects.