Hi all
Is there a way to turn off that camera zoom thing where the camera slows down as it approaches an object?
Really I just want to be able to move around a scene at will at design time, but find that I have to constantly click on an object, move the camera towards it until it grinds slowly to an ever-decreasing death, before click on something further away, moving to that…slow down…click…
This happens whether I press alt and scroll with the right mouse, or use the centre wheel.
I’ve tried turning off the camera acceleration in the editor too.
Any other suggestions?
the camera button at the top has this as an option
I’ve tried the camera acceleration and camera easing. Both are currently off, have been for a while, but it still happens.
you’re zoomin’ with mouse wheel eh?
I just use WASD to navigate since the scroll wheel zooms to the scale.
You can move with the WASD keys? W shows the movement gizmo here.
hold right mouse button over the editor window and use WASD bruh ^.^
[while holding right mouse over the editor window]
WASD to navigate
Q E to move up and down
hold middle mouse to drag screen around
press F to center camera view on selected
Amazing. Thanks. Never knew that. That being said, would still like to beat the mouse scrolling in to place if that’s at all possible.
beauty lol
I hear you about the mouse zoom. not sure if you can switch it from relative to the origin of the selected object to just ‘camera forward’.
How I like to move around is by selecting an item and pressing F to teleport to it while moving around with WASD. and press Shift to move faster like a sprint.
kinda funky when moving between blender and unity if you don’t have them setup the same lol
when you make super tiny stuff you eventually run out of this mouse wheel zoom and bottom out.